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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Yes, oust them. Those people gave Biden dementia! No chance. Biden lost re-election with the debate and furthermore the Repubs actually have someone competent as the head of the RNC.
  2. The funniest thing being the latest Biden campaign ad talking about how Trump doesn't care about you...using misleading and selectively edited videos.
  3. They didn't listen to him when he said to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." What makes anyone think they were listening to him later?
  4. What do these clowns say now?
  5. I'm waiting for the 14 minute city myself...
  6. Any mentions of/allusions to "Project 2025" should summarily be dismissed.
  7. I doubt Biden can even swing a club at this point, much less carry his own golf bag, while Trump likely isn't nearly as good a golfer as he claims. For both to get into a handicap fight over that was silly.
  8. Yup. I was going to mention that Trump talked about it during the debate. He actually touched-upon many things I think he should have. Agree except for Mayorkas. He's just a puppet doing the bidding of whoever is in charge of the administration.
  9. The "I recently came out to my fianc" is a dead giveaway of AI.
  10. Then why the calls for him to step down now, not only from the MSM but from Dems here on the board, after the debate?
  11. He's telegenic and slick, but his State is a far-left mess and he can't do what Biden did and claim he would still be moderate because he was never moderate to begin with. And that will turn off a lot of people who don't care what he looks like.
  12. Trump is a means to an end. Like Biden is for many. The point being Dems were and are going to do what they did to Trump to any Republican POTUS. I'd rather he fire people than keep incompetents like Biden has done, just so he can say "look, my Admin isn't as chaotic as the previous one!"
  13. Yup and I lumped testing different drug cocktails under "prepare." The major point with the week off was that it was shameful to be taking that much time off from being POTUS, much less just to get ready for a debate. It would have been inexcusable if he put forth a decent performance and worse given what we saw. And again I think most people realized those things and why it will stick. Not sure if they knew he'd do as poorly as he did, but they were damned if they did/didn't. They were all talking about how Trump was the one who would back out because scared of Biden and canceling after a week off would signal there's something seriously wrong with him.
  14. And what did Biden run on in 2020? That he wasn't Trump. That he'd be able to "shut down the virus." That he was decent, capable, mentally fit and a uniter. None of it happened and we got worse inflation.
  15. If they don't replace Biden at the top of the ticket, they need to use this. If they do replace him, much less with someone white, they need to say "why is Harris being bypassed?"
  16. The "stutter" again. These people need to be mocked relentlessly. And I learned a new word.
  17. This is insane. You don't need to be able to learn anything in school but will still get your diploma. Making it entirely useless because no one will hire you for anything worthwhile.
  18. Well he can't withdraw from Wisconsin. And he'd need to be 25th'd and Harris become President to remove him from Nevada. Georgia appears to be doable though.
  19. Yeah, I thought that Biden, given he was taking an entire week off to rest, prepare and rest, would have given a far better performance than what we witnessed. I was expecting and the bar was "well, he was able to stand for 90 minutes and be coherent." I think most were shocked at what they saw, myself included. And I gave props to Tapper and Bash for being fair in their treatment and questions to both candidates.
  20. The Dems/MSM were quite successful in hiding/excusing Biden's failing mental condition. Hell even the NYT, is calling for him to step down and they were major purveyors of disinfo in that regard.
  21. I'm only on this political MB. I'd like to believe everyone who posts here is not a bot. Forget the chaos angle with Trump. The Dems will do the same no matter who the Republican President is. Remember what they did to Romney (who many Dems now don't dislike because he hates Trump)? What about DeSantis when it looked like he was going to be the nominee, saying "he's not Trump, but here's why he could be worse"? Chaos is going to happen regardless.
  22. Not even close to true as Nate Silver said the election was "not a toss up" as Trump wins in about 2/3 of the models run. But this post aged well. LOL! You would have been celebrating if Biden looked compos mentis and ensured his re-election. And that you think he didn't lie is also laughable.
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