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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Well then, Dem leaders will just need to tweet for them to stay calm and that should end it, right?
  2. The Dems did that for his election. No one's claiming they're not going to leave.
  3. Dems are fine with Hunter being a POS felon. Interesting double-standard.
  4. Wait, what? They deported them back to Cameroon, but are now flying them back to the US? November/January can't come soon enough.
  5. Trump should claim senility. Many Dems feel he is and that worked for Biden so...
  6. Look on the bright side libs. You all can still have a great laugh at EJC taking Trump's money for an alleged incident for which there is zero proof it ever happened.
  7. No. Only Dems are concerned about this. My son has a friend who was on-the-fence before the debate and is now voting for Trump. I'm sure there are a lot more like him.
  8. Nah, they never lie. It's all just tall tales or misspeaking or making things up.
  9. Not really. She's terrible. The way they were framing the election in 2020 was the Biden-Harris Presidency and I think they were expecting Biden to step down during the 1st term so she could take over. But she was so terrible they couldn't do that and now they're stuck because she can't win the Presidency and she wants to be President.
  10. Good question. As perplexing as 1/3 of people in a poll thinking Biden won the debate.
  11. It's gone from "don't judge us by what we do in the privacy of our bedrooms" to "you will accept us doing in public what we do in the privacy of our bedrooms."
  12. ...and then Palestine will liberate queers from the Earth...
  13. Now everyone knows he's gone senile. Hunter needs the gravy train to continue...
  14. They won't dare jail Trump. And even if they do, it will probably only help him. Biden was the only guy who stood a chance against Trump but the debate put an end to that.
  15. Yup, got that (another big reason they didn't blitz him is because he almost always had an outlet receiver available). I was just wondering if anyone analyzed blitzing after the switch?
  16. The non-cynical part of me says "because he was talking about the election being stolen." The cynical part... In any case, they were responsible for his message not getting out. For whatever reason.
  17. It's amazing that people still cling to the "he won't leave" belief. It's as if they weren't alive during his first term of don't know how American politics/the system works.
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