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Everything posted by Doc

  1. He's so slow, molasses times him.
  2. So...you're not supporting Biden then?
  3. The MSM has known this all along. The reason why they're doing a 180 is because they've seen the reactions from people who didn't know this all along until they saw the debate. And realize he can't win now. But neither can anyone else, which is their biggest mistake.
  4. He can't bow out. Two states have him as the Dem candidate (unless he dies or is declared mentally incompetent, which is possible but means Harris becomes POTUS and no one wants that), they can't replace him with anyone but Harris because they'd lose the POC vote and she inherits his $200M war chest. And no one else can come close to beating Trump anyway.
  5. Again, anyone can make an accusation. The girl withdrew her complaint. That's why no one is talking about it. But then you support a guy who showered with his daughter and has a POS like Bill Clinton campaigning for him.
  6. The desperation is growing.
  7. He knew he had it back in 2017 and didn’t give it back.
  8. Doesn’t matter. The damage has already been done in the minds of many and the others never cared to begin with.
  9. Be glad. Biden won’t be charged for his classified docs.
  10. Yep. Like going after your political rivals.
  11. Who decides? Congress. And no the President can't adjourn Congress just to avoid impeachment.
  12. Giving orders to the military is an "official duty" but killing a person isn't necessarily "official business." There has to be a justification and if generals don't refuse, Congress can impeach and remove a President. When did Trump talk about martial law? And did anyone get shot when people were looting for months on end in the Summer of 2020?
  13. I never said "only." I said he bowed to the left. And a leaky border has huge ramifications.
  14. Murdering citizens as part of an "official act"? Highly unlikely.
  15. So when the Obama administration admitted to killing up to 114 innocent civilians with drone strikes, you'd be fine with Obama being charged with their deaths?
  16. Biden ran as a moderate back in 2019-2020. He sold his soul to the CBC to get their endorsement to win the election and then bowed to the far left because of Harris.
  17. I usually like criminal acts to be proven and/or adjudicated in a timely manner. The reason why Trump raised a shitload of money and rose in the polls after the guilty verdict in the hush money case is because many people knew it was purely political.
  18. Some libs gonna be big mad at that.
  19. Look, we heard everything back in 2019-2020 about how Trump was going to do this and that, etc. Even though he felt he was cheated out of winning the election, he still left. This time around he's not in Office so if he loses (not likely anyway), there's nothing to not leave from. And if they wins, he has to leave in 4 years. Unless you think he'll somehow get the military to follow him and institute martial law. In which case I'd suggest medication.
  20. Would you libs trade the immunity ruling for, say, the 34 felonies and EJC rulings?
  21. The one thing we can all agree on is that the Dols are damned if they do, damned if they don't.
  22. No, I meant should Harry Sisson expect a visit from Seal Team 6? Seal Team 6 or a drone strike. Which is worse?
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