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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Might be time to interview Ashley Biden about those showers...
  2. Especially considering the Dems support Muslims who actually kill people Fuentes just doesn't like...
  3. Wait, I may be mixing it up with Michigan. It's going to take drugs in everyone's drinking water...
  4. So "I read it on the internet, it's got to be true"? OK.
  5. He was brought by Ye. Meanwhile Minnesota is turning into little Palestine.
  6. If "exists" refers to "in the minds of a few kooks and conspiracy theorists," sure.
  7. Good luck with that. First off, she doesn't want it. Second of all, she can't use the $240M war chest. Third Kamala will be pissed and cause problems because she feels it should be her. Fourth no Independent or Repubs will vote for her. And lastly, she won't be able to get on the ballot in Wisconsin and Nevada. But other than that, a great idea.
  8. Come now. Urgent Care centers are great places to have surgery...
  9. Hey, Canada's still there...
  10. Yeah, I thought they would replace him after watching the debate. Then found out about the campaign money and how they can't replace him in Wisconsin and Nevada. And I told everyone that they can't memory hole or excuse this.
  11. If true that means the "phone call" impeachment was a joke like many of us knew.
  12. Might not have been a bad thing. To paraphrase an old saying, when your political opponent is being attacked by everyone including his own party, do not interrupt. What a joke.
  13. No, they knew immediately. They're just trying any excuse they can.
  14. Oh, they'll try, but won't have nearly the advantages they had last time.
  15. No one believes it. I doubt even you do.
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