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Posts posted by Doc

  1. In private most Dems will tell you that they wish they could replace Biden.  In public, they need to gaslight everyone into believing that the obvious signs of mental and physical decline aren't too bad and he's ready to go for another 4 years.  When the truth is he won't last another year and Harris will become President not long after the inauguration.  Something no one, not even Dems, want to see, but they'll go along with it because it's not a cult.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 3 hours ago, hondo in seattle said:

    Not really facing charges.  The young woman's lawyer was on TV saying things that weren't accurate.  I got the impression, if I recall events correctly, that the DA was never even tempted to bring charges because none of the witnesses corroborated her version of events.    


    I meant and should have said allegations.  And your recollection is correct.  There wasn't a single person to back up her claims and on the contrary there were several people and videos that contradicted them.


    And no one should be making him out to be a hero.  He was wrongly accused and was able to clear his name and resume his NFL career.  Good for him in that regard but I don't wish him luck in his NFL career.

  3. 28 minutes ago, B-Man said:




    Back Ya Go: SCOTUS Upholds Immigration Law and Deportation Process

    by Bethany Blankley


    The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday upheld a law established by Congress requiring the deportation of foreign nationals who illegally enter the country.


    The court ruled on three consolidated cases in Campos-Chaves v Garland that were on appeal in the Fifth and Ninth circuits, where the appellate courts issued conflicting rulings. The lawsuits were brought by foreign nationals who illegally entered the country, were deemed “inadmissible” under federal law and given Notice to Appear (NTA) documents stating they must appear before an immigration court at a future date and time. Each of the plaintiffs didn’t show up to their hearings, and federal immigration judges ordered their removal in absentia in accordance




    Interesting that Gorsuch dissented.

  4. 2 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:


    Yup, Quack said that before.  Reluctantly admitting what Trump actually said followed with....but we know what he REALLY thinks!


    In other words reality means nothing, the narrative rules all.








    My colleague, a former Dem-turned-Independent (or so he says) also never saw the clip/full quote until I showed it to him.  He didn't believe me until then.

  5. 2 hours ago, Gregg said:

    No chance he survives four more years so Trump should use that strategy. I still think Biden won't be the nominee. We are still 5 months away and he is already gone mentally and failing physically.


    No one else stands a chance.  It's Biden or bust, and will be bust anyway.


    2 hours ago, Westside said:

    They’ll hide him in the basement until after the election like they did in 2019.


    Can't do that this time.  No pandemic.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Gregg said:

    Curious to see who they replace Joke with. Nobody including many Dems like Kamala. She would lose. Newscum is probably a serious candidate for 2028. He hasn't finished destroying CA yet. I wonder who it will be. 


    It's too late to replace him.  The strategy will be to gaslight people into thinking he's totally fine to be President right now, much less 4 more years.  But what Trump needs to do is hammer home that electing Biden President means electing Harris President.

    • Like (+1) 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

    They have nothing else to stand on…I actually don’t blame them for pissing on our legs and trying to convince us it’s raining…😉


    It really makes me wonder if they truly believe he's not in major decline or they're just being disingenuous because they have to and it's not a cult?

  8. 1 hour ago, Orlando Buffalo said:


    This account I think is actually a conservative who puts random things up and adds headlines that are not remotely related. Jack Black praises Jack Black and then never mentions Trump. 


    Jack Black?  Wow, they're really pulling all the stops out...


    11 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:



    Cheese on the raw burger patty.



    Well, he did say they're having a barbecue for the first time...

  9. 3 hours ago, Scraps said:

    You didn't describe what ends you think convicted felon Donald Trump is a means to.


    I don't have a problem with politicians looking back at what went wrong or availing themselves of legal challenges but if those legal challenges fail, I expect them to accept the results for the good of the country.  Trump didn't do that.


    Based on Donald Trump's recent conviction, and the time Michael Cohen served as least in part for his role in the 2016 election interference, Hillary was right.


    Stopping the liberal agenda. 


    Neither did Hilly.


    The recent conviction was a sham.  Most people know it and even if you disagree, it's little different from the laptop and 51 former intelligence officers letter.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 3 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

    There’s a difference here…


    Biden’s son had already died (past tense) and he lied about something that had already happened…


    Trump wanted Mexico to pay for the wall (something that hadn’t happened yet)- just like all politicians make campaign pledges…


    But you know, just as well as everyone else, that just because you make a pledge, doesn’t mean you can get it done, no matter how much you want to do it, especially when it’s trying to make a foreign country do something…


    But it doesn’t make it a lie, just a very disingenuous and dishonest argument on your part, because you already knew that (or, at least, I’m assuming you were smart enough to)…So, well done for continuing your glorious legacy…😉

    3 hours ago, Scraps said:

    Are you gullible enough to believe that Trump thought Mexico would pay for the wall?  He just wanted to present it a a zero cost to the American people.  It was just another con.


    Yup, it was a campaign promise.  They don't all get fulfilled.  Just like "I promise to shut down the virus."


    30 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

    Note to anyone who can speak, read and understand rudimentary english.


    When someone says that they're not talking about groups x, y and z because they should be condemned totally, that means that not only are groups x, y and z specifically excluded from any positive characterization, but they have in fact been characterized negatively. 


    Impossible for commies to understand,  I know.


    They all know what Trump is really saying.  Subtext, yo.

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