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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The media outed themselves as the liars they are and have been. It's only going to get worse for them.
  2. No, no one actually believes Trump is a pedophile. I'd be willing to be you don't either but have been trying to convince yourself of it. What we do know is that you guys are now desperate after Biden killed his re-election chances and need to whip out anything and everything you can, even stuff that has been laughed-at/debunked years ago.
  3. Except the official excuse is he had a cold. Next.
  4. Sad. As if this person didn't have enough mental problems already.
  5. My response was that I was only criticizing the white half of him.
  6. The former is, the latter isn't. But the decades-long wars we've fought have shown us that we don't free anyone and prevent the spread of anything, just waste lives and money.
  7. Just like Biden, except for the court (for now). And no, you're stuck with Biden. He said he's not leaving, lol
  8. Maybe "Project 2025" has already begun and they've purged all the Democrat civil servant lifers?
  9. So "we" are out. That doesn't mean "you can have Ukraine." There are other countries that can easily give them their money and weapons. And NATO won't get in the way. Ukraine's not a NATO member and too corrupt to join them.
  10. How does he do that exactly?
  11. And in any case, Biden is saying he's not going anywhere. So it's going to be a (figuratively, for the contextually-impaired) bloodbath if they try and remove him.
  12. Yup, because 3/4 of black children are born to a single mother. Apparently that's their "culture" (now).
  13. The election laws exist for a reason. They're not changing them to protect a terrible candidate the party tried to hide from the public just to pull shenanigans later. And Harris would just step aside on the almost zero chance that both Houses are Dem-controlled? Unlikely. And if the Dems pulled what you said, which is bad precedent, the Repubs would absolutely block Harris' nomination.
  14. No. And with STH's getting up to 6 tix apiece and only 1,000 tix per camp session, I doubt many "won" the lottery. I'm resigning myself to the fact that I may never be able to attend another training camp session again, after going for almost 20 years. Much of it during the drought.
  15. Right. And replacing Harris with MO and then having Biden step down and MO appoint Harris would be a great precedent, right?
  16. No one believed this 8 years ago. Because it's absurd.
  17. As well as an idiot as VP that no one wants as POTUS. And now they're fantasizing about ways to get rid of Biden and salvage this shitshow.
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