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Everything posted by Doc

  1. He's the one who killed the border with his EOs his first month in Office. He had the power to fix it all along.
  2. No, you don't have a choice. Otherwise it would have happened by now. This is funny. You guys were over-confident prior to the debate, basically counting on abortion. Now it's over.
  3. He'll "terminate it" as much as Biden has. And be a dictator (only) on Day One like Biden was. And deporting working class and arresting innocent people? Who?
  4. It's been clear she can't win since almost the start of their Admin. I fully believe she was supposed to take over sometime in the first 4 years but proved so terrible they couldn't pull the trigger.
  5. Right. That’s why he’s opened our borders to anyone.
  6. The only one of those things he is, is past his prime. Now do the same for Biden...
  7. The problem is that there used to be a lot more TC sessions in the past and during the drought people weren't as enthusiastic. With the arrival of Josh and the low number of camp sessions, supply has gone down and demand has gone up.
  8. If I had to guess, STH's complained. Not that they shouldn't have first dibs.
  9. Different strokes for different folks. For me, it's held in my hometown so I go home to see mom and my relatives, catch TC with my sons and then head home. I make a weekend of it.
  10. If it ain't an AR-15, it ain't a real gun.
  11. They're both terrible and can't win. But with Grewsom at the top of the ticket, the CBC would have a fit.
  12. They were either lying for or along with the Admin. And the point that "if they were willing to lie about this, what else were they lying about?" cannot be stressed enough.
  13. Yup. For a short-term gain (and a long-term loss for the rest of us), they installed a senile-and-getting-worse puppet and a moron as his 2nd who was put there to get him votes but who no one wants to see as POTUS and who they can't replace because it will cost them those votes. So they need to lie about what Trump will do.
  14. I think you'll find that conservative groups share about 2/3 of their goals. THF taking credit is funny.
  15. Well we do have him to thank for making Trump rise in the polls after this sham. And we also have Biden to thank for finally showing people whose eyes were closed or had them closed for them just how senile he is.
  16. Predicted by non-naval non-experts as well...
  17. So is Biden. But thank to the SCOTUS, he won't be charged because of pure politics for it.
  18. Any discussion of receiving options that doesn't include Kincaid isn't a complete discussion. He's going to be a focal point of the offense.
  19. Yep, the excuses are ridiculous. I was specifically talking about why he sounded off.
  20. Even if you were to believe that Trump followed THF's recommendations, it was only 2/3. Which means it wasn't close to 100% and there was likely a lot of overlap for positions all conservatives espouse. IOW...it means nothing and Project 2025 is just more fear-mongering from a party that knows it's going to lose in November.
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