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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Wasn’t that what he was labeled at the combine and/or the draft?
  2. Gonna be a lot of chowing-down the next few weeks...
  3. Yeah, you'd expect it from the the Dems. That so many Independents were able to be successfully gaslit is scary. And it took watching Biden in the debate, unfiltered and without any reasonable excuse, for people to finally see what was going on with him. And then the polls turned and Dems were finally forced to admit the truth they'd been lying about for years.
  4. True leftists aren't rational, but on this topic it's less about being irrational that it is about knowing ineligible people are voting and not caring because they usually vote for their side. So they laughably talk about "disenfranchising voters" or "poll taxes."
  5. No, Oscar Wilde, it's bad news when leaders of your party say you should step down. But yes, let's let that dominate for weeks to months.
  6. He's telling Biden to hold firm and stay in the race. And Biden is listening, apparently.
  7. My brother went to school with her. He sent her a congrats when she got the job.
  8. Like you said, of donors outside his jurisdiction giving him money. And maybe voting. Right. They love high inflation and open borders.
  9. Whatever he meant, it’s an incredibly odd statement. And maybe self-incriminating.
  10. Will you please stop with this? If that were the case, he would have done it the first time.
  11. She said she made a video for The Heritage Foundation a year ago and they used it for their video. Does she say anything about Project 2025 in that clip?
  12. I misspoke above. I believe he agreed to it. Hence the reason he kept referring to it as the "Biden-Harris Presidency" and her as President several times. But the internal polling after the first few years showed she was terrible and that he would have to run again. No, they truly have no one else. But by all means, do tell...
  13. It's purely symbolic and just to get Dem Reps on record for being against it. It has no chance of making it to the Senate, much less passed into law.
  14. Yes, his advisors are to blame for not being able to cure dementia...
  15. Any reason? You mean besides the MSM being liberal?
  16. Keep relying on that one. And not what many of us have been seeing for years and what everyone witnessed during the debate.
  17. Harris was selected to secure the black vote, with the understanding that she would next-in-line. So there wouldn't have been a primary without a revolt. And while I agree that Biden is delusional, I'm sure he's been told for the past 3-1/2 years that he's their only hope...until just recently. And he is the only candidate the Dems have that can go against Trump.
  18. The Democrat party works in-synch. If a good number of his supporters are telling him to step down and he's not, it's because he's delusional.
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