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Everything posted by Doc

  1. He definitely is. Unless it's AI/deep/cheap fakes.
  2. Nah, I see him in commercials still. Aunt Jemina’s gonzo.
  3. There is no such thing as a non-motivated individual. Money is a huge factor. But this is unbelievable at best, which is why it's gaining zero traction (again).
  4. He's also a huge lech and by Dems' own standards, a rapist. Such a good and decent man.
  5. Thankfully Trump got them to pay their fair share.
  6. Blaming Russia: the Dem gift that keeps on keeping on...
  7. Allegations are just that until proven. If they can be proven, then by all means, string him up.
  8. Ah, I see Paul. So you say he should leave, but if he acts selfishly and stays, you'll support him. Because it's not a cult...
  9. Remember when Ivanka and Jared advising Trump was terrible? Now Hunter and Jill are advising Joe. I guess we we're electing Hunter...
  10. Go for it. Biden's senility will dominate the news from now until the election.
  11. You loved Hilly 8 years ago and Slick's been campaigning for Biden. You have no moral high ground here.
  12. The 25th won't get anywhere. Ultimately it will require 2/3 of both Houses to remove Biden and the Repubs won't vote to remove. She's dumb. So...
  13. Hilly was partying with Epstein years after Trump dropped him.
  14. "The President doesn't have Parkinson's!" "What about the Parkinson's expert visiting every month for the last 8 months?" But they never lie. Only Trump.
  15. Don't believe what you see/read/hear from the source. The Dems will tell you what it's really about...
  16. Anyone that wagers on this bet has a serious gambling problem.
  17. The Dems are saying "hold my beer."
  18. LOL! I hope they try it. Talk about the best advertisement for the true "threat to democracy."
  19. His daughter Ashley wrote about it in her diary. I know she's not some whackjob newpaper columnist but she deserves to be believed all the same, if not more so.
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