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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I had extra tix to training camp 6 years ago. I answered an ad on craigslist I believe asking for extra tix and contacted the guy. He asked "how much" and I said "nothing." He asked my "why are you doing that?" as if I were pulling a fast one on him or something.
  2. Why is he campaigning at a NATO event?
  3. The President is sworn on Jan 20. If Trump wins, there's no issue, right? If he somehow loses...he can't just worm his way in. He's an outsider at present. And sure, they have ambitions far bigger than just 4 years. In 4 years though Trump will be 82 and nearing the end of his life and his friends will be ready to replace him with someone younger. They won't need him anymore.
  4. Given the "he's (going) senile" narrative has been there for 4 years, there was never any curiosity as to "why?" Fool me once...
  5. You're not making sense here. By Jan. 29 he'll either have lost the election or been sworn in as President. If it's the former, there's nothing to leave since he wasn't there. If it's the latter, he'll serve at most 4 years until he's 82 and then hand the reins over to his VP for his/her chance.
  6. The most objective person is one who tells the truth about their own side. 10 points for House Slytherin!
  7. How do you solve a problem like Kamala? How do you possibly unburden what has been done? How do you find a word that means Kamala? A flibbertigibbet? A will-o'-the-wisp? A clown?
  8. Yes and that's why she's in prison right now. But if Baldwin hadn't cocked the hammer back/pulled the trigger and/or pointed it at her, even with a live bullet, she's still alive right now. And I'm not saying it was premeditated/murder but his action did lead to her death. There needs to be some accountability.
  9. So you’re saying that despite pointing the gun and at least cocking it, leading to it firing and killing the woman, he should get off completely? What would you say if you knew that he grew up with guns in his house?
  10. I keep bringing this up, but that TDS segment some 15 years where Jon Stewart talked about Biden groping interns completely unsolicited shocked me. I guess it wasn't a well-kept secret. And I'd like to know how much of that congressional slush fund to pay off victims of SA by congress people he partook.
  11. Yup, pretty much says it all. That's not an answer. The evidence for Biden's infirmity has been there for years. You were just willing to be lied to that he was fine. As for Trump, the Dems/MSM (redundant) did everything they could during his first term to make it hard to govern. And Dem policies have become wacky. It's less about checking a box than going with the less terrible choice.
  12. The section starting at 0:57 is hilarious, ending with this: Shapiro: "Congrats on becoming a Republican." Swalwell: "My parents would be proud."
  13. The Hur interview is immaterial at this point as the debate in and of itself was all anyone needed to see/hear. I don't expect it to be released because it will only serve to piss off their base even more because it could have been revealed back in February that he was senile and they would have had a better chance to replace him. And make no mistake, the Dems knew what was on the Hur interview.
  14. Don't expect an answer. The only one is "I can't think for myself" and they'll never admit that.
  15. Like the ones who said the laptop was fake? Yeah, no one's listening anymore.
  16. Getting free ID is a "tax." Gotta hand it to Dems, they really think everyone is as stupid as their followers.
  17. They say they have proof he pulled the trigger. But at least he admitting to cocking the gun in that poor decision interview with AC. He lets go and the hammer hits the bullet, the gun goes off.
  18. She also said that Biden is mentally fit. No one is listening anymore.
  19. She looks like her dad. I’d be demanding mask mandates as well…
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