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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Not surprising that they started dating soon afterwards.
  2. You alas will believe any bullshiit they feed you. The conspiracy theories are starting to sound legit...
  3. It's a video of him playing golf prior to yesterday.
  4. Who cares what the media says anymore? They've proven themselves to be liberal liars.
  5. What falsehoods? Open border with all its problems? No, that's real. Terrible policy leading to inflation that's hurting almost everyone? No, real as well. Biological males competing against biological females and also being in their bath and locker rooms? Allowing kids to permanently disfigure their bodies with gender reassignment surgery? Abortion after the fetus is viable? Biden looking senile and weak on the World stage? Political lawfare? Versus "Trump will end democracy"? "Trump is Hitler"?
  6. Unfortunately it's a choice between two candidates. I'll take the guy who is at worst 4 years less senile than Biden to the guy who is senile. And the news cycle will return to Biden being unfit. You can't put that toothpaste back in the tube. And there's still another debate...
  7. This is funny. The Dem party is mostly about feelings. You know that whole "bleeding heart" thing?
  8. I'd like to see Josh with Reid and Spags. I think he'd be just as successful.
  9. Yes. You can try and convince yourself that Trump is anywhere near as senile as Biden, but the World saw how bad Biden is and it's only going to get worse as he ages. Trump at worst is where Biden was 4 years ago.
  10. No, I never bought the fake Russian collusion narrative.
  11. Interesting. I wonder if they told MSNBC that they weren't going to pull any punches and dared them to pull the show.
  12. Tell me you're naive without actually saying it... Thanks for the chuckle. Trump went golfng after being shot? LOL! Good one. Yes because Biden's senility will only improve with time...
  13. They know what they're doing. It's the same with the "good people on both sides" and "bloodbath" feints. They're hoping others are as low-information as their followers and will believe it.
  14. I hope this was sarcasm. If so, good job. The fake Russia scandal was designed to overturn a Presidency. You say to-may-to...
  15. That is criminal on her part. She needs to be throw in jail, not just fired.
  16. I was talking about the shooter. You know, the one "doing God's work" and the post to which I responded?
  17. If he's looking in the direction of the President in an area that's supposed to be secure? No, you shoot him dead on sight.
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