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Everything posted by Doc

  1. They really do live in some alternate reality.
  2. Yup. But it's a distinction without a real difference.
  3. One side almost had their candidate assassinated. I think we're getting close. Can we hear from his college RA next? Please?
  4. Oh well. You supported Biden and look where that got us...
  5. I guess anything is possible, if you're paranoid enough...
  6. Trump really is your boogeyman, isn't he?
  7. Wait, that's right, Vance was endorsed by Trump in 2022. Why is anyone surprised he'd accept the VP position? Let me know when he seizes control of the military with people he appointed and are fully loyal to him. Failing that, he can't stay in office.
  8. He won't be able to be President anymore. It won't be him on the top of the ticket. You should be more worried about Vance trying anything if he should lose his bid.
  9. "Next time"? You realize that Trump can't run again, right? So Vance should be good.
  10. I still have no idea why anyone would want to kidnap that nobody Whitmer. Of all the people to kidnap, she'd be at the bottom.
  11. You mean the ones who would tell you they hate America? Good one. Usha's not bad looking. Can help with the brown vote.
  12. I would never vote for him and think he's kind of kooky, but he should have had this all along.
  13. The left lost their minds when Trump beat their beloved Hilly.
  14. Good thing I didn't put money on it...
  15. He lost his job. He said his account was hacked. If true, that sucks for him. If not...
  16. My bad. I read it as you saying I did it. And "your" "you're" being misspelled is so common that it's not worth even pointing out anymore. And sometimes cell phones change things.
  17. There's hope for you yet. But agree with all of what you said. Wasn't my line. And a common mistake we ignore here.
  18. The betting markets had him at 4th but then fell off a cliff. So not him.
  19. He did seem excited that Coleman ran a poor 40-yard time at the Combine.
  20. You'd have to ask TC. To me it's odd that you would draw a distinction between whether his ear wound was from a teleprompter or from actually being hit by the bullet, when in either case, it was an assassination attempt (unless, as I joked, the teleprompter was the real target). Does it only count if the wound was from a bullet? And I believe the bullet intended for Trump was the one that killed the man in the crowd. While I haven't heard a single thing about the teleprompter being damaged.
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