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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Tells you just how bad things are for Dems right now.
  2. Like they say, if you can't beat 'em, steal their tactics.
  3. I'm sure all the black-on-black crime will now disappear, after a statue that likely no black gangbanger has ever seen is taken down...
  4. What's an inconvenient "fact" is that a Republican candidate was shot by an alleged Republican. It doesn't pass the smell test. Especially when he donated, albeit a small amount, to a Dem. Meanwhile the phenomenon of Dems registering as Repubs to vote in Repub primaries is now well-known. And unless there's any evidence on his phone that he was truly a Repub, we're not going to find out his motives. Count on it.
  5. More like blacks, and people in general, are waking up to the fact that Dems have failed them and are turning into a party of elites who don't care about anyone but themselves and/or whack jobs. You cater to the frines of society, you'll end up losing everyone once the highly-divisive Trump is gone.
  6. They should be. They looked like clowns to the entire world. Hopefully they testify.
  7. What, no picture of Kinzinger?
  8. Sorry you're right, Beasley was there in 2019. But the team averaged just 19 PPG that season. The conditions in that Baltimore game were amazingly bad for passing. Harbaugh even said the wind "was impactful." And recall that was a win. And I would like to think we could have expected a TD on that last drive. But again if Bass had done his job, they end up with their season average for points. And again that was without Davis. The bigger issue, as usual, has been the defense. And they were missing several key starters that game.
  9. Good to know on the first one. As for the 2nd, it's higher than during Trump's term. But yes, lies are told. I've never claimed politicians don't lie (that's you guys when it comes to Dems). Again will CNN fact check the DNC? My bet is "no."
  10. Yes we're producing more oil. But why do you suppose we're paying more for gas? Why are we dangerously depleting our SPR?
  11. What it actually shows is that guns by themselves don't kill people: people kill (or don't kill) people. If Cheatle had allowed the sniper to take out Crooks when he had the chance, this never would have happened.
  12. The Texans playoff game doesn't count because a) Josh was still raw and b) the offense wasn't great (it was before Diggs and Beasley). The Ravens playoff game was windy as hell. And as for the AFCCG against the Chefs, if Bass makes that kick like he should have, they would have scored 27 points, and that was without Davis playing. The Bengals game they definitely struggled offensively.
  13. And the Dems do the same with you low information voters. You think CNN will "fact check" the speakers at the DNC? It's amazing how much ***** you accumulate over a lifetime. And my IL's weren't hoarders. Once we sell her house, we're going to start cleaning-out ours.
  14. Cleaning out MIL's house to get it sold/packing things son needs for law school next month.
  15. Doing well, thanks. Sleep was so-so, like usual. I have the week off. And the first time CNN presents facts will be, well, the first time. They keep pushing the "suckers and losers" and "fine people on both sides" and "bloodbath" and "dictator on day 1" bullshyte so their "facts" are anything but. And let me know when they fact check Biden's loads of lies.
  16. Biden won't be in Office much longer. And Musk is donating $45M/month to ensure that happens.
  17. They do it only because there was a lot of turnover in Trump's Administration and they want to distinguish themselves.
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