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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I'm not sure they even know anymore... I'd need to see Paul Scarpelli's (who?) wife first...
  2. Absolute clown show of a party. Replacing their nominee less than 4 months before the election. Anyway it's just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic for them.
  3. The only thing I feel bad for him is losing his wife, daughter and son. Other than that, no.
  4. The other party can't even define what a woman is...
  5. I will. There’s nothing left to say.
  6. He’s got to come out to “I am a real American” by Rick Derringer.
  7. Oh, I wasn't. I was trying to bait him into making a hypocrite of himself...and it worked.
  8. The Dems sure love their conspiracy theories, don't they? Show of hand: are you wearing your mask at your computer?
  9. Weren't you saying that Trump might have "just" been hit by glass from the teleprompter?
  10. Except he said Trump was unfit because he was a liar,conman, grifter and in it for himself. That describes almost every pol. And then claimed Trump didn't leave office, changing it to "voluntarily," which also wasn't true.
  11. It's CNN, what did you expect? Germany decides on their own to halve funding to Ukraine and they just had to stick Trump's name in there so as to blame him. Oh, the hypocrisy! Thanks for taking the bait.
  12. The problem with him just stepping down is that they may not be able to replace him on the ballots in Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin.
  13. In 10 playoff games they've scored 24 or more points 7 times (and averaged almost 32 PPG). I don't think you can reasonably demand your offense score more than 24 points in the playoffs. In the other 3 games they scored fewer than 20 points and averaged 15.3 PPG. One was Josh's first playoff game, before he became an elite passer and they scored their season average, while another was affected significantly by wind, and was a win. So realistically it's been only 1 game in which the offense struggled offensively in the playoffs. Meanwhile the defense has come up short time and time again.
  14. Biden's a sexual predator as well and he showered with his daughter. That and Dems still having Clinton campaign for them means the left have no moral high ground here. And the idea that anyone doesn't believe/ignores the fact that Biden is a gigantic and compulsive liar is laughable. But I guess some people have to find some way to believe their guy is better, or at least not as bad.
  15. Your post above said he called a classmate stupid for supporting Trump. Is that a fact?
  16. Interesting comments from him considering his hero's son...
  17. 1. He voluntarily relinquished. They didn't have to force him out of office. 2. Biden's a huge liar. And incompetent, even outside of being senile. 3. Well then, you missed the things that MAGA believes are wrong with the country.
  18. I've heard that the sniper who had Crooks in his sights for 3 minutes has been fired. If so, bad move.
  19. Before I heard Biden had COVID, I said to my family "Trump survived a bullet but Biden couldn't survive a debate." But the virus hasn't stopped Biden yet.
  20. Huh? Trump didn't relinquish his office? Biden is many of the things you said Trump is and is also unfit for office, mostly because he's senile. But he's refusing to step aside because he's in it for himself...and millions will still vote for him. This is where we are at. And if you want to see the set of ideas, listen to Don Jr's speech tonight.
  21. What an idiot. The same number of people died under Biden as Trump in the same period of time. Despite vaccines and treatments. And no, it wasn't even a million Joy.
  22. Did he (also unnecessarily) go to Erin Moriarity's plastic surgeon?
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