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Everything posted by Doc

  1. LOL! Says the guy (Goldman) worth over $250M and an heir to the Levis fortune...
  2. A plan they announced in 2021...but didn't implement over the next 4 years.
  3. If you meant they bought Sanofi at the outset of the pandemic, yeah, good move.
  4. My condolences to them. I hope they saved and invested well.
  5. The question is if this is the CDU of Merkel, which leaned left after getting into power, or the center/center-right version?
  6. How did we survive all those years with 87K fewer IRS workers going after waitresses' tips?
  7. More like all those years of hard drinking have caught up with you.
  8. No doubt. You are a rube who believed Biden do any better with Wuhan virus, much less be able to "shut it down." Many of knew he couldn't and wouldn't and it would take some time for Wuhan virus to settle down, like all pandemics eventually do. As for his plan for inflation, it was reducing energy prices and streamlining supply chains. What was Harris'? Price controls? Like that would bring the price of goods down on Day One? LOL! Never mind that she was campaigning for 4 months about what she would do in 6 months about it, despite being VP to a POTUS who was so senile that everyone saw it and wanted him removed from the ticket. But obviously he was still fine to run the country.
  9. If your civilian employer tells you to return to work and you don't, you get fired. Why should federal employees be different? Never mind that you guys cheered people getting fired for refusing the vaccine.
  10. You had no point but lefty talking ones. "Those that died under Biden were stupid Repubs because of the map and it's their fault Biden had 400K deaths in his first year!" How many do you think he would have died if 0-2M people had been vaccinated when Omicron hit? Yeah, I think you know the answer.
  11. They never cared before that their data was being looked at by unelected people. Or they didn't know. Now they do.
  12. Are you surprised? You wouldn't think this would be so hard to understand, amirite?
  13. Who cares? The sooner we stop funding this endless war the better.
  14. Considering that 15.3% of inmates in women's prions are male...
  15. Hate is hate no matter how you justify it.
  16. I'm assuming no one. Just seeing who responds.
  17. An empty promise. He's not the reason Putin doesn't want Ukraine in NATO.
  18. Ouch. Especially considering the typical Dem oversampling...
  19. The vaccine was first available December 14th, 2020. As we clarified, only 2 million people were fully vaccinated by the time Trump left Office. Meaning for the majority of Trump's time in Office there was no vaccine for people to refuse, much less a treatment like Paxlovid. WRT inflation, again, it's been just 5 weeks. We all knew he wouldn't be able to reduce prices on day one and that this is a left talking point. That doesn't mean they're not trying to reduce them. LOL! If Trump "butchered the pandemic," what do you call what Biden did with it? Over 170M people fully vaccinated when Omicron hit and 300K people died. As for inflation, again it's been just 5 weeks. If he can't get it under control, yes he will have failed with it just as much as Biden did with Wuhan virus. But again, no one's dying from it.
  20. By any objective measure he failed. At least high prices he left us aren't killing anyone.
  21. You think Palestinians hate Jews less than the Nazis do/did?
  22. Amateurs. The wife and I were living together for 2-1/2 years before marriage.
  23. Biden fooled millions of rubes into thinking he could shut down the virus. Took him 3 years. I'd wait for more than 5 weeks here myself, but that's just me.
  24. And your side wouldn't choose a Jewish man as VP because it would lose them several states. Is this really the hill you want to die on?
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