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Everything posted by Doc

  1. A patient called in yesteday and cancelled her surgery because Biden dropped out of the race.
  2. The more entrenched people are with their opinions, the harder it is for them to admit the truth.
  3. There was a "question" in there? No, it was speculation based on the typical fear-mongering from you and your ilk. Sorry, after all the scare tactics the past 8 years and the Dems and MSM lying to everyone about Biden's condition, you get no benefit of the doubt.
  4. Because it's all they have: racism.
  5. You're not alone. There was a lot of kvetching going on before the season.
  6. Meanwhile over on the Dem side, they can't nominate a Jewish VP...
  7. They never showed the picture they showed him. Maybe it was a "cheap fake"?
  8. You beat me to it. They couldn't see the obvious signs and believed it was because of his (non-existent for decades) "stutter," yet they want us to believe they can diagnose it in Trump? LOL!
  9. The Jets loss was entirely on offense, mostly Josh stupidly throwing the ball away and to the Jets. The Broncos was both as the offense should have scored more than 22 points against a team that gave up 70 to the Dols and the defense should have prevented them from getting into FG range (and, of course, the ST's gaffe).
  10. Harris slept her way to the top. They'll have to try something else.
  11. There's no way she can not resign at the end of this. She's got no support from Congress and likely a lot of her underlings.
  12. Just a feeling. They'd be best-served going with McCarthy. Let him learn and take his lumps this year.
  13. She's incompetent, ill-prepared and stupid. Obviously this was the worst security lapse since Reagan and she should have known and prepped for that question.
  14. Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and Jeffries haven't and probably won't endorse her.
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