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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The bi-paritsan deal that was proposed after 10M illegals already came in and wouldn't have done much? Who cares. It is his last election.
  2. I believe that what happens when a sperm fertilizes and ovum cannot be called anything but life. And if left alone, in the majority of cases will lead to a baby. But as I've said I don't have a problem with abortion until it reaches a certain point.
  3. If killing a baby is what's most important to them, we're seriously *****.
  4. Only they can call her the "border czar." And only they can tell you to stop using their own words. F off clowns.
  5. Slick Willy says "hi." Dems have zero moral high ground on this topic.
  6. How about open borders? Decriminalizing illegally entering? Giving them Medicare? Supporting sanctuary cities? Defunding the police? Killing the fossil fuel industry? Restricting red meat consumption? Porn for elementary school kids? Transitioning kids without parents' approval? And that's just off the top of my head. Then again, maybe we just have different definitions of what "liberal" means...
  7. It's 100% the truth. Otherwise they'd have an open primary.
  8. They're laboring under the delusions that a) Trump is afraid of anyone, b) Harris isn't an idiot who can't debate and c) if they lie enough people outside of their echo chamber will believe them.
  9. Trump will demand at least 1 debate be on Fox. Harris will refuse because she'll be scared.
  10. The hypocrisy of this statement is amazing. For starters, having sex with a couch wasn't taken out of context, it was a lie that was retracted. Second of all, your party has taken numerous things Trump has said out of context. It's being used back at you now.
  11. You know Trump will be bringing that up at the debate. If she's the nominee...
  12. Not so much wrong (they are) as lying. They knew Biden was senile and tried their best to hide it from everyone. Now they're trying to hide how awful Harris has been. Which is to be expected.
  13. I'm sure that extra 24 hours, again 13 days after the shooting, provided the critical evidence needed to prove what we all knew the day of the shooting. What a clown. Maybe Project 2025 does have the right idea...
  14. GovTrack.us rated her the most liberal Senator in 2019. Then they tried to backtrack. Does that count? And unlike Biden, who once was a moderate, claims by Harris that she's a moderate are going to be met with laughter.
  15. There's no blow back. The Dems did something unprecedented and now there's another presumptive nominee who may not be the official nominee. Once the DNC gets started and they officially nominate someone, plans for a debate can and will be made. Again a new person means new parameters. Everyone (else) realizes this.
  16. Thanks but we already knew he was hit by a bullet almost 2 weeks ago. You know that Occam's razor thing. We didn't need the NYT to agree. Again and to clarify, we're wondering why people on the left care whether his ear was hit by a bullet or glass shards. While many still believe it was all a setup. Can you explain it? Can you also explain why the FBI, as per the director, said just yesterday, 12 days after the incident, said that they still don't know what hit his ear? Only to admit today, a day later, it was indeed a bullet.
  17. Great, she'll get the nomination and then they can decide on a debate. The previous debate was with Biden, who is now gone. New person, new debate and parameters. It's not a hard concept. But if you're still not convinced, we can make a bet that Trump does agree to debate her. Whatever amount you want. Make it a big one if you're so sure...
  18. It was less distraction than dominating them, getting complacent and letting them back in the game. They made it close...but still lost.
  19. He'll debate her when they make her the nominee. It's right there in front of you.
  20. The media has exposed themselves for the liars they are. They apparently don't care/about their reputations anymore.
  21. I watched some of the opening ceremony. I thought it was interesting that they had Rafael Nadal, and then Serena Williams, and then Carl Lewis and then Nadia Comaneci, all fine upstanding French citizens, carry the torch...
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