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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Both sides think the other is a threat to democracy/the country. It's basically meaningless at this point since each side is entrenched.
  2. Good one. Tell me again great Biden was until the first debate and how horrible Harris was until last week...
  3. And even then he wouldn't stupid enough to say it. Thirteen seconds wasn't his fault and neither was missing the FG at the end of last season's playoff game.
  4. Oh well. If it prevents the liberals from getting a stranglehold on most of the media, so be it. The (obviously unintentional) hilarity and hypocrisy of this post are noteworthy.
  5. Speculating, like everyone else is doing. As they say, there are three sides to a story: the usual two sides and then the truth. And I'm getting to the point where I just DGAF anymore. Might as well fight fire with fire.
  6. No I admit Trump says stupid ***** and is his own worst enemy. But that doesn't mean that Harris is someone to fear in a debate.
  7. So are Dems. Look at Harris being despised a little over a week ago. Now you love her and think Trump is too scared to debate her. And imagine if France parodied/insulted Islam at the Olympics? Paris would be burning.
  8. This is who the left thinks Trump is "too scared" to debate.
  9. Been that way for awhile. Thank goodness Musk bought X.
  10. And now they love her, for no reason other than she's been installed as the nominee. But it's not a cult... This should be a bigger story. Hopefully it becomes one. Just remember that these same people saw Biden for the last few years and said he was fine...
  11. Definitely will be brought up by Trump if she mentions J6...
  12. Yes I'm sure it was just over that one tweet. Maybe he was told to stop the stupidity considering the FBI (finally) admitted it was a bullet that hit him a day before and he decided to take his ball and go home?
  13. It's still early but right now I see Coleman, Samuel, Shakir and Hollins as locks. But there's still a lot of camp and pre-season games still to go.
  14. She's going to have to walk a tightrope between her time as a prosecutor/the above, to calling for defunding the police, to now trying to walk that back because it's unpopular.
  15. True but that wasn't my point. And giving the child away is an option. I'd say somewhere between 15-20 weeks would be acceptable. Basically make a decision before it's too far along in the process.
  16. Just say you don't understand it. It would take less writing on your part...
  17. The point was "great, they made an investment. Now let's see some results from all that money spent."
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