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Everything posted by Doc

  1. If there was proof that Trump colluded with Russia to install him as a Manchurian candidate and to do their bidding, I would have been one of the first to call for him to be executed for treason. If anything they may have tried to use/goad Russia into getting dirt on Hillary, but that's because the intelligence and media complexes had abdicated that responsibility. And to me that's still not as bad as the Steele Dossier, which was compiled by a disgraced British spy and full of Russian disinformation, with the express purpose of trying to remove a fairly elected President for most of his Presidency. And many are still denying that election. And ultimately it was determined that Russia's interference, which everyone agrees happened and has been happening for decades, didn't alter a single vote. And Trump did nothing for Russia. People can hold any rally they want. A permit was granted for it. That's America for you. But without some idiots breaking into the Capitol, which we now know was a known threat the day before Trump even spoke, it would have been a bad look but not the "threat to democracy" we keep hearing about. Which is a farce because if a group of unarmed people can take down a government, you don't have much of a government.
  2. No but my mother and several relatives still are. I actually grew up in Pittsford so training camp used to be a great time to visit. Not anymore since I haven't been able to get tickets the past 2 years. As for education, it's important but not the be all end all. I think it's a mistake to try and get everyone to go to college. Going into a trade is a great thing as well. Whatever you need to do to support yourself +/- a family.
  3. What do you think the Russian collusion thing was about? You don't think that if they succeeded they wouldn't have thrown both Trump and Pence out? And when did Trump say to break into the Capitol? Meanwhile Pelosi was warned about people trying to break into the Capitol and refused additional security, even admitting it was he fault.
  4. Yes I owe a lot to them, making the difficult decision to leave family, friends and familiarity behind. They knew a few people in Rochester so they weren't all alone, and more Indians they knew and didn't came to Rochester to create a huge community, but it was still daunting. But they made a conscious decision to assimilate so that others wouldn't feel they were too foreign and because we were going to be here for the rest of our lives. And yes, back then parents pushed you to be a doctor or engineer, not so much lawyer. Education was important and so was family. It still is but doing anything to make a good living, like owning a business, is encouraged now.
  5. Yes there are Republicans that don't like Trump. I can't understand why they'd want the Dem vision for this country but different strokes... As for me, I'm a first generation of Asian Indian descent. My parents immigrated to the US legally with my brother to Rochester when he was 3 and waited a couple of years to establish themselves before having me to be sure they weren't returning to India. They became naturalized citizens about a decade later and have always loved and appreciated America, and they assimilated when they came here (they even ate beef for several decades!) and were productive members of society. I don't see that happening much anymore and my mother, who has been a lifelong Dem, hates illegal immigration. Legal immigration is fine with almost everyone.
  6. Where do I subscribe to your daily camp reports?
  7. Depends on how many WRs they keep. If we're saying Coleman, Samuel, Shakir, Hollins and Shavers are the top-5, they could opt to keep a 6th and that could be MVS. And there's always the PS if he's willing to go there. I didn't think much of the Hollins signing at first. Then my son said he was a decent player for the Raiders.
  8. Like I said, Google.com. Many people on X tweeted about/responded to it. The AI platform I can see it happening legitimately.
  9. "...no matter their background or circumstance..."
  10. Shavers making the roster and contributing would be like found money.
  11. Not as of yesterday it didn't. I heard about the search and though "sure." Then I tried it.
  12. Again, it was a rhetorical question. Corruption is a serious offense in almost every country, especially one trying to shake their corrupt history and join NATO. That he wasn't even charged tells me all I need to know.
  13. Diet Mountain Dew and his laugh are weird. Good thing they're not shying away from their clown image...
  14. I'm talking about Google.com, not ChatGPT. There is no way that Google.com takes weeks to update their information searches.
  15. Oh great, they finally fixed it after 2 weeks. Pure coincidence, I'm sure.
  16. ***** it. Why have a border? Just let them all in. RaTs is an appropriate acronym...
  17. Does it work differently in Ukraine? Why wasn't he charged with corruption, much less convicted? Just getting fired is enough? That's some real tough policy.
  18. Frankish must have been in a cave today. USS Biden made it back to port and unloaded some garbage...
  19. Seriously though, why can't people just say "lies"? The JD Vance thing was a complete bald-faced lie. Yet some idiots believe(d) it.
  20. It was a rhetorical question, skippy. Unless by "results" you meant "nothing."
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