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Everything posted by Doc

  1. He wouldn't have been able to leave for 5 years, maybe longer if they tagged him. And in Denver, he could have easily gotten a good OC.
  2. Most of them know this. They lie because they're hoping to be like Dirtnap Harry. Yeah it's funny enough that "weird" was their buzzword of choice circulated to their mouthpieces. What's even funnier is Dems calling anyone else weird.
  3. Josh's ascension was mostly due to his efforts to improve his mechanics over the off-season with Jordan Palmer. He had the other stuff that you can't teach. He would have succeeded anywhere.
  4. LOL! So much for "Trump tweets too much!"
  5. Hopefully for him he's not like 2004-2012 Travis Henry...
  6. Depends on if the Chefs got Josh the following year.
  7. Restricting abortion of black fetuses means more black babies you dolt.
  8. They can just do what they've been doing and claim she never touted them...
  9. Like Megan Rapinoe being OK with men playing women's soccer...now that she's retired.
  10. If true that she did it because of trisomy 18, then yes, it's misrepresented. And not surprising since this is the main reason for most later-term abortions. What was the threat to her life?
  11. He already asked for one on Fox for whoever is the nominee. It will be interesting to see what Harris/the Dems do. And if they reject it, does Trump refuse a debate elsewhere?
  12. All the "Trump is afraid to debate her" is just projection. I'm sure they'll find a way to get out of it.
  13. There was a study by NYU that said Russia's Twitter campaign was a failure. It's also known that Russia bought a million dollars or so in Facebook ads. Print and TV media apparently were unaffected. We were told voting machines were secure. Hillary spent over $1B on her campaign and if that wasn't enough to overcome Russia's weak attempt at interference... Truth be told, Comey probably did more damage to her campaign than anyone. And unless he was on Russia's payroll... The US isn't Communist Czechoslovakia. Biden himself said that for a foreign country to take over the US, they'd need F-16s and nukes. But a group of unarmed Americans were going to to it? Come on, man! White children...with permanent tans (like me).
  14. It's amazing how much more we learn as the years go by...
  15. Every team ahead of them regrets it. Now the Colts didn’t know Luck would screw them so they get a pass.
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