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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Meanwhile the Bills underplayed Josh's consecutive seasons with 35+ TDs NFL record.
  2. That's it: from now on the Bills only run plays to the left of the field. But seriously, they should sign the kicker the Chefs released last week, to the PS.
  3. If he fights as well as he governs...
  4. TDS is one of the most amazing phenomena I have ever witnessed.
  5. There was no evidence he even met her after the photo of them together at some function, much less raped her. Yet she won $83M for it. Still amazing.
  6. There’s a local female lawyer with the last name Goff. She’s gotten Tyson to do billboard ads for her. She just got Jared to do billboard and TV ads a few months ago. I wonder how much she had to pay him?
  7. Good question. If only he'd played well the Bills could have won by 20...
  8. Not only that but the Lions played last Thursday. At home. I LOL'd when the players were trying to say that and he said "no."
  9. Opposing Trump. Because he's Hitler. Anything he believes, even if it's something they believed right before Trump took Office, is evil.
  10. Or railed against the Bills drafting him "too high."
  11. Undisclosed injury all this time?
  12. That's wrong. It's 5 seasons. And soon to be 40+ (42+ to be exact).
  13. Showing them to be the sore losers they always were. There was no concern over Russian collusion/interference and he won the popular vote as well this time around.
  14. What irks me is that Lebron grew up in a single-parent family, yet he married his HS GF and is still married with kids. Obviously he saw how hard it was growing up and how much better it is for his kids. He'd be the perfect person to tell the black community that having kids being born to single mothers (~75%) is unacceptable. But he won't do it because of the damage it will do to his "brand."
  15. How about...get rid of the 3 pointer?
  16. Isn't NBA basketball now just shooting 3-pointers? Boring.
  17. Yeah, it wasn't a ban. I said on the main board that half the country thinks someone staged his own assassination. I don't even think I said Trump's name.
  18. There's a GI doctor who is in his 80s who still works but should have retired years ago because he's lonely and will drag out cases if he has nowhere else to be. He won't retire because he said his father died right after he retired. He broke his hip 6 months ago and we figured that would have been the beginning of the end and he'd never come back. Not only did he come back, but he is faster than he used to be, albeit it marginally.
  19. I'm looking for him to significantly decrease illegal immigration and remove illegals who are criminals and/or just sucking up resources without contributing.
  20. No loss. The best thing about this election was him winning the popular vote as well.
  21. January 20th can't come fast enough.
  22. I was a huge Musk skeptic...until they landed that rocket back on the platform in the middle of the ocean. I decided to get a Tesla and best of all, buy the stock. As for the Mars stuff, I don't agree with it. He's said that the only way for humans to survive is off-world, but we're not even close to being able to travel to distant planets, much less ones that can sustain human life. The money would be better spent improving conditions here. But hey, he's the genius.
  23. Thanks. Got a warning point by the idiot moderator for a stupid reason and thought about leaving permanently. Looked around and this is the best of almost nothing.
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