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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Canada is not the US's mortal enemy. Trump wanted the border to be more secure and Canadian tariffs reduced. He didn't get it so he raised tariffs which, in an of themselves, don't mean you're an enemy. As for the other stuff, you're listening to the Dems/MSM. There will be no martial law much less dictatorship.
  2. We knew it to be a lie all along. Biden broke it with EO's his first few weeks in Office. He could have rescinded the EOs himself.
  3. I wasn't trying to laugh at your spelling of it. Just the notion of it.
  4. Right. And seeing Biden's mental decline and ignoring it is because you're not worshipping him like a deity...
  5. You'd think a supposed cardiologist who must have seen his fair share of senile patients would have been able to recognize it... Do you have any comment on how the Dems/MSM (redundant, I know) lied about Biden's senility?
  6. So then allowing tens of millions of illegals into the country was pretty stupid, huh?
  7. It's amazing how many people bought the "stutter" lie to cover for his dementia. Even supposed medical professionals.
  8. Yeah but that's different. They were unpaid researchers and students...
  9. LOL! So because people don't like/watch girl's/women's sports...it means no one should care about biological males negatively impacting girls/women? Yes that's not dumb...
  10. I thought Ann Selzer was canceled after that laughable Iowa poll?
  11. "What I'm hearing" is as worthwhile as "anonymous sources."
  12. Biden's Admin was the epitome of DEI. Starting with Biden himself.
  13. Because they were elected...
  14. Looking forward to finding out his identity. And then seeing the prison sentence.
  15. And he'll eventually be replaced by someone worse...
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