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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I hope you're on medication for the fantasy world you live in. Case in point:
  2. At figured it was a trolling attempt. Then he wrote that other part and I wasn't sure anymore.
  3. The Soros' don't support Dems. That's just an antisemitic lie...
  4. I heard about it being available years ago.
  5. I was expecting something along the lines of "SugarDaddy."
  6. What, no WAP duet with Harris?
  7. Remember, these are the same chuckleheads who looked at Biden and thought he was competent.
  8. Yup. McNabb literally gave it away. Yup. He was a solid Tier 2.
  9. Right and if you believe they haven't been told to stand down for years, again to avoid pissing off POC should Harris lose, you probably also believe Biden stepped down of his own volition and wasn't threatened with the 25th amendment. And of course they're fund-raising for her now. They have no other option.
  10. Like I said in another thread that was touting all the investment made by this Admin...
  11. Big mad at installing Harris and scared of her? LOL! Good one. Most Dems didn't want Harris either. So the "they didn't want Biden so they listened" is a farce. And you know that if they truly cared about "democracy" and had an open primary...she'd lose big time. And that would just make POC big mad.
  12. So you don't believe any polls? OK. Then I guess we'll see come November.
  13. Harris was polling below Biden before he bowed out. Nothing changed except her being handed and not earning the top spot for the Dems.
  14. The left just lying left and right now. First Vance had sex with a couch, then Harris wasn't Border Czar and now this.
  15. Sure if he played like Manuel played, the Bills wouldn't have exercised the option. But he didn't. He worked hard to improve his mechanics on his own. He would have done that no matter where he went.
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