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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Yup and this is what people will remember. It may be watched by more people than the June 27th one.
  2. If that happens, Iran's nuclear program will be obliterated.
  3. XY is a male. I'd guess the doctor or whoever delivered him saw no penis/***** and everyone just assumed he was a female, raised him female and no one checked for 10-12 years.
  4. You're just mad that Biden couldn't take a victory lap over "fixing the border." Too bad. He was the one who broke it by himself and then lied about there being a problem and that he couldn't fix it alone for 3-1/2 years, allowing anywhere from 8-20M illegals to enter. Then lo and behold when the polls kept showing Dems were being blamed for the border despite Repubs killing the "border deal," he was finally forced to take executive action. Again the decrease in border crossings since the border bill was proposed and then killed is because the world saw that America (read: Dems because of the polls) was finally serious about fixing the border. And it shows that the bill, another bloated piece of legislation, was unnecessary.
  5. Butthurt over what?
  6. Funny. He fully believes that book but not Ashley Biden's diary...
  7. My wife was asking me WTF he was doing. And to think, just 6 weeks ago Dems here and everywhere and the MSM (redundant, I know) would have been saying he's totally fine...
  8. And if Trump did this, you guys would be saying it's a photo op...
  9. That's what the Dems did for 3-1/2 years. No wait, they did something: they denied there was a problem...until the polls started to hurt them. But since that deal was mercifully killed, border crossings have decreased monthly. To what do you attribute this?
  10. There's this new-fangled device called a DVR...
  11. "Thirteenth highest paid QB in the NFL. Renegotiations in the works?" Shut up Kay.
  12. Border crossings have decreased ever since Congress got together and tried to solve it with a border bill. It's down even more since Biden or whoever is running the country issued EOs. Showing you don't need a border bill, just EOs and a will to enforce existing laws.
  13. The Capitol breach was the seminal event that day. If that didn't happen, it's a "mostly peaceful protest" like the Summer of 2020 was. The claim was made that Trump's speech caused people to break in. Now we just learned that they knew people were planning on breaking in the day before he even gave his speech. So, besides the idiots who decided to break into the Capitol of their own volition, a lot of the blame for the Capitol being breached is on those who improperly assessed/ignored the security concers.
  14. And I think the vast majority would rather have Reid and Spagnuolo as coaches
  15. Might have more to do with you being a trans woman than anything else Annie...
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