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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Yeah it does matter. And Trump put out an earlier debate on Fox. If she doesn't accept, she'll show she's the one who is scared.
  2. What's unbelievable is that the worst VP in history and someone who was polling below Biden suddenly became a legitimate candidate for POTUS just because she was installed as the nominee.
  3. Dems have long been the party of weird. Projection doesn't change it. Do a search on the people who were upset that Crooks didn't kill Trump. And well as one on "depression" and "democrat."
  4. No, they had a date set, with a different candidate. That candidate looked so bad he was forced-out and a new one was forced-in in an unprecedented and undemocratic fashion. If Biden were still the nominee, I'd say they have to keep the same date. But he's not so new candidate, new negotiations. And Trump already proved he can go on a Fox-like station and debate. Now it's Harris' turn to do the same, before early voting begins. She's got everything to prove considering she's the worst VP in history and has done nothing to warrant being installed as President, much less being able to dictate terms on a debate. No one buys the "Trump is scared of her" lie.
  5. Liberals are hateful and far more depressed. And there's the "weird" buzzword again!
  6. Milano was a huge loss. If he had played the whole season...
  7. The defense allowed 0.27 YPA more in 2023 than 2022. And it lost their best LB for 75% of the season.
  8. No one cares about women's boxing. The issue is biological males competing against biological females. And that's a real thing as evidenced by people like Lia Thomas who no one questions is a biological male.
  9. No surprise. But the bigger problem for Dems is people at least believe that crime is worse under Harris' Administration.
  10. Yeah but he made 50+ yarders with ease. Maybe a specialist-specialist role for him?
  11. And last year you kept insisting that not keeping Edmunds would be a huge problem and/or at least that they didn't plan for his departure and should have drafted Nakobe Dean. Bernard ended up being great and Dean missed the entire season. We all have our opinions... As for the implication that McD won't hire a great OC, who is this great OC candidate he passed-up on after Daboll's departure?
  12. Missed that. Yup, the eventual transitioning announcement is a foregone conclusion... They believe that CNN and ABC aren't Dem safe spaces with sycophant moderators. If they acknowledged that, they'd have to agree Trump went into the lion's den on CNN and thus proved himself and now it's Harris' turn.
  13. Saw very little reporting on Iran's response to Israel. Another symbolic attack?
  14. If she were constantly being hounded about not being a girl, yes. And one check would suffice. If we/she's got nothing to hide...
  15. What trap is that? Yup. Lost in Biden's senility shocking so many people () at the debate was Trump wiping the walls with the poor job of the Admin. And things are only getting worse with the jobs report, market dropping and the ME burning down.
  16. So they won't let the 140K ballots be seen? Yeah, nothing shady about that...
  17. I specifically said other athletes' complaints. These types of allegations happen so seldomly. And I'd say competitions from middle school on up. Until they create transgender leagues. It's another piece of the puzzle by seeing whether or not there are male or female internal structures.
  18. One complaint by a competitor? No. Repeated complaints? Yes. The number of complainants can be negotiable. And you're acting like this is onerous. These athletes get poked and prodded all the time. No, that was implied since I mentioned it originally. And why not? It's non-invasive.
  19. That's why I said medical exam which means history and physical and blood (genetic, testosterone level) test.
  20. If there is ongoing controversy about an athlete. Obviously if they've had a hysterectomy it's different.
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