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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Meanwhile the belief (truth) that she’s afraid to take questions from a non-fawning press or without a teleprompter/prepared script will continue to grow.
  2. Just push the horse ***** story. Fight fire with fire.
  3. Im betting he doesn’t talk about either. Those comments were specific to the situation.
  4. Don’t take “horse medicine” or “fish tank cleaner.” It’s not a hard thing to figure out.
  5. I have no doubt that the 49ers are looking for someone back at wide receiver. A recent article I read said that Piersall is having trouble separating in camp. And he also recently had a shoulder injury.
  6. The saddest thing is that after Vance talked to reporters covering Air Force two yesterday, while he was walking away one shouted-out “what do you want her to say?”
  7. Maybe if we diverted the money we’re wasting in Ukraine and put it towards the border…
  8. If anyone is being honest, they are seeing that she was the worst vice president in history and has done nothing to change that narrative except for being installed as the nominee.
  9. It not only refuted nothing, it admits that he retired before going to Iraq.
  10. That claim is so wrong on so many levels. A guy who is sexually interested in a girl doesn't want to know about her period and a girl doesn’t want a guy she’s interested in to know she has her period. Much less offer her period products.
  11. 18 days now. Pretty obvious they don’t want her speaking without a Teleprompter or a friendly audience.
  12. He set one up on Fox for September 4th. She should debate him.
  13. I was hoping to hear more positive things about Keni-H Lovely.
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