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Everything posted by Doc

  1. He did, she didn’t. Therefore…
  2. You’re kidding, right? How about securing the border but against a border wall and deporting illegals? No limits on abortion? Stricter gun laws?
  3. You can’t force someone who is scared to make a deal…
  4. Demonstrating that they don’t care if their side lies at all. So just fight fire with fire. Humor? LOL. The couch thing is as “funny” as the horse ***** thing. The difference is the couch thing is a lie and easily refutable if you want to be honest. The problem for Walz is that the stolen valor issue is also easily verifiable, but not in a good way for him.
  5. Only the left has forgotten/is ignoring he has dementia. That’s the clown show they are. Shall I use smaller words for you?
  6. Her base is so dumb they’re like “yeah, you go gurl!” Were ***** as a country if these idiots get elected. She’s needed them for the past four years. The problem is the good ones quit.
  7. Yeah right. To the polls and the “candidate quality” comment.
  8. Who is the opening entertainer and how many people do they pay to attend?
  9. True, but it shows bad on her. If they want to let it slide to Costa wouldn’t have corrected her and the fact that he corrected her meant that he didn’t know that she didn’t know.
  10. Then you saw that it was doom and gloom on Biden‘s part. And you realize that Harris is giving hope that she can correct her own administration’s terrible policies, right? And the funniest part is that she’s still in office for another five months.
  11. Fair enough on the first paragraph. As for the second, when do you suppose he told them to hang Mike Pence? Considering they came to the capital with a (fake) gallows. Do you think they want to gallows-are-us that morning? And no congressperson came anywhere close to being injured like Trump was that day.
  12. LOL! I just posted in another thread about how the press conference would have been a success if the debate proposed on Fox wasn’t accepted by Harris.
  13. He took questions from hostile reporters and challenged Harris to do the same. He said he would do the ABC debate but also challenged her to a debate oh Fix that, if she refuses, will show who the scared one really is. And the 2020 election and crowd size do locevsny needkes anymore while I think tou are overstating the importance of Kemp. You can like your governor, but also not like Democrats’ policies.
  14. Do you think the FBI lied? Do you think you can’t be grazed by a bullet? And again the point is he was almost assassinated. Your side went on for years about January 6 and how they were almost all killed by an unarmed mob with a fake guillotine.
  15. Not sure, but not Johnson for the reason stated above.
  16. The FBI confirmed it. But even if one didn’t and it was shrapnel, there was still an assassination attempt on his life.
  17. Good move calling Harris scared for not talking to the press. And if she refuses to debate on Fox…
  18. Better than swallowing enough horse ***** to need gastric lavage.
  19. Is this satire? So you’re still denying that he got shot at?
  20. Of course she agreed to it. But if she doesn’t agree to the Fox debate, it’s probably not happening. Versus Harris who starts off with real nonsense. “This (hands waving)…is a debate. A debate is between people. People talk and you have a debate…”
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