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Everything posted by Doc

  1. And you know it's not true because...?
  2. This is a hilarious self-own. Nicely done, Frank.
  3. Not a "stunt/gimmick" anymore, is it? *****'s getting real.
  4. Too funny! I was going to post that ("the rain will wash off the poop") in the ShineBox this morning.
  5. Great idea. Let's turn every major city into LA, Chicago, Baltimore, Philly...
  6. Stick to quackery. Cases start at 7:30 am. EKGs and meds are reviewed well before then.
  7. He's not talking about it because they can't blame anything about it on Repubs.
  8. And some just never grow up...
  9. She'd be much better than Harris. As POTUS after Joe steps down soon after election? No thanks. This. She doesn't want the job.
  10. Yup, a pig kidney was transplanted into a brain dead man and it's still functioning over a month later.
  11. Davis will likely be gone next year.
  12. It was sarcasm.
  13. Might have also hit on 4 if that idiot Beane didn't trade up for Kincaid...
  14. Makes you wonder why it isn't a national news story...
  15. That's step 1. Now onto step 2...
  16. On the flip side, fewer kids to mess up.
  17. Aliases, burner phones, shell companies and lying about not knowing idiot boy's business and about a prosecutor just to get him fired because he was looking into idiot boy's company. Totally legit!
  18. Just watched the long TD run play (a handful of times) and Warren fakes like he's going inside and that leads Poyer to take a step inside and lose him.
  19. The point I was making with not even making the Pro Bowl in 2005 is not that he wasn't a promising and soon to be great player, but that the Bills gave him a huge raise when they didn't need to. And again he had 2 years left on that contract when he demanded a new one. As for the bolded, again, once they told him to wait a year he fired his previous agent and hired Parker, who I have no doubt told him he should set his sights on a bigger market for even the same money. And that was it for the Bills and nothing they could do would change his mind.
  20. They'll need Knox to help with Brown, which should, well, help. Dawkins needs to step-it-up though because he'll need to be left on an island. As for Doyle and Tenuta, they were 5th and 6th rounders. Basically stabs in the dark.
  21. Yup.
  22. He thinks I'm a white non-doctor playing an Indian doctor on the internet. It's funny.
  23. You forget the another option: impeach him next year.
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