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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Other teams are in on him. Doubtful they get him.
  2. Yup. The Bills spotted the Dols points and field position and would have beaten them 3 times if not for dumb scheduling. This year the Miami game is the last game of the season.
  3. Freeney said that it takes about 7 seasons for a LT to develop.
  4. Shakir has a broken rib? IR-return him.
  5. Exit roads were barricaded? Seriously? If true, murder charges need to be handed down.
  6. Do it. Kiss 2024 even more goodbye...
  7. In related new, crisis responders and social workers in Seattle have retired or moved elsewhere. Film at 11.
  8. Shoulda sent Prighozin up in it. Would have (literally) killed 2 bird with one lander...
  9. That would explain the stutter...
  10. It's funny to see how they went from "[Joke] is so much better than Trump" to "see, Trump did the same things..."
  11. With Ramsey out for most of the season, they are only better at WR and arguably LB. So no, they are not better and definitely not "obviously."
  12. It's funny to call DeSantis a "RINO" when Trump was a Dem for decades.
  13. Sure they have: talk about Trump, to deflect from Joke's and idiot boy's criminality.
  14. I feel sorry for them. As I say, you can't love someone/something if you want to fundamentally transform it...
  15. He's worth it. Stick to your guns, Chris!
  16. And hotels/motels.
  17. He probably was.
  18. That's a QB hit, not a sack. And again, he would have adjusted his style.
  19. I stand corrected. One was at LT (the facemask) and the other was at RT. And he started playing football late. Hopefully the best is yet to come.
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