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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The Dems are going to be stuck if they don't run Joke because they'll have to run Kamala for President. They can't explain away replacing Joke with some other white guy (Grewsome, let's face it RFK has no shot because of his voice) while she's still stuck as the VP.
  2. Gonna need some physical appearance equity. Maybe razor blading the faces of the pretty people?
  3. We'll see how much the LBG's continue to love Dems with their favoritism of Ts.
  4. Sorry but telling LBGTQ+ they can't whip out their junk or use dildos in a parade isn't an "effective ban" anymore than removing pornographic material from age-inappropriate libraries is. And there is still no proof that children "are being allowed" at nude beaches, either with photographic evidence or outside of some people breaking the law.
  5. Yeah I forgot that they can't be fined if they don't sign the tender. That being said, he won't sit out the season (the title of the thread) and lose on about $600K a week.
  6. Where did I say he wasnโ€™t? But the reality is that if the Giants arenโ€™t offering him a long-term deal averaging at least $10M/year, and theyโ€™re likely not, thereโ€™s really no other way to play it. But again, heโ€™s not aitting out and costing himself money.
  7. True. But heโ€™s still not sitting out the season or even part of it.
  8. I'm sure he was hoping a contender would give him a deal like OBJ, i.e a 1-year $15M deal with a $1.165M base salary and the remainder in signing bonus that is spread out over 5 years.
  9. Good luck with that one. They just throw it out there and think everyone is like their low-info followers and just believe it without proof. "There are kids at nude beaches!" Show us the proof. "Just trust us!"
  10. If only Putin had kept the pee tape...
  11. Probably for the same reason they support Muslims, despite their treatment of women and LBGTQ+...oh, wait a minute!
  12. He's not sitting out. He'll sign the tender once he realizes the fines are piling up in camp and they're not budging.
  13. They don't care. Joke gave back some of the documents back immediately after discovering they were with him for decades. You see, there's a time limit for some people but not others.
  14. No he just had documents in his garage that he saw every weekend (and others who visited his home could have seen) half a year after his other documents were discovered. As for business with the Saudis, LOL! See that fist bump by Joke with MBS and begging them for oil? Never mind his dealings with China and Ukraine, which is why they're so concerned with it.
  15. They, like every other player, can cash-in after their third season. The problem is the running back position has been devalued, and unless you are an elite dual-threat, your production can be replaced by several low priced players.
  16. Hoax. But keep showing how intelligent you are by not only believing HCQ is dangerous bit that Joke didnโ€™t know there were classified materials in his garage that heโ€™s visited probably 50 times since the previous materials were seized.
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