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Everything posted by Doc

  1. FIFY. If you still feel differently, go start your own league in any sport and try to line up sponsors and venues and see how far it goes without the players.
  2. At this point he seems committed.
  3. Probably because it was already investigated? And "journalists" should know that?
  4. Did you read the article (it's from NBC News so you should be fine with it)? The Dem-controlled House investigated him in June last year.
  5. Dance monkeys, dance.
  6. Get your facts straight. There's no LIV without the players agreeing to play for them. This is so basic even you should understand it.
  7. It's a term for when they have nothing real to excuse corruption by their own party.
  8. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-oversight-investigating-2b-saudi-investment-jared-kushners-firm-rcna31805 The players were bought. Except for Tiger, who reportedly turned down almost $1B to join LIV.
  9. It's not a cult.
  10. They might have and he refused.
  11. I guess if you're into kids, you gotta think like them...
  12. He treated Joke like a WNBA champion...
  13. Oh the hypocrisy! And the first time BSTime destroys anyone, much less me...will be the first time.
  14. And no evidence at all that the prosecutor, who was investigating the company Joke's son was (otherwise) inexplicably on the board of and Joke demanded be fired otherwise they wouldn't get $1B in loans, was corrupt. And in fact evidence he wasn't and was doing his job.
  15. Yup. Just like a Dem lead house would. And who said Kushner is off-limits? There is nothing stopping them from investigating him.
  16. As I've been saying, they have far more to impeach Joke than they did against Trump when they impeached him over the phone call. They just refuse to see it. And they call MAGA a cult.
  17. And on the flip side the left doesn't care about the crime wave epidemic.
  18. Doc

    MLB Battle

    From the bench? On STs?
  19. I have no idea what getting a patent in China has to do with anything? It's not like it you can't get one if you have the money. And you still have to sell product to make any money.
  20. Doc

    MLB Battle

    There's no question mark anymore.
  21. They also concealed the facts that he suffered from A-Fib, cardiomyopathy and depression.
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