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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I'm not ignoring you at all. I've heard what you said about his college success and I don't disagree with you there. But success in college doesn't mean you'll succeed in the NFL. The Eagles barely played him last year on defense (about the equivalent of 3/4 of a game over 8 games all season long) despite knowing Edwards was an impending FA at the end of the year. He's also 5'11" and 230# and it was widely reported that he ran a 4.74 40, although not at the Combine. That's why I'll wait and see. If he plays well, great, I have nothing against him.
  2. It's different when it's an extreme disruption in your life. Morals and principles are great in theory but when it comes to practicing them when it imposes significant difficulties...
  3. Sorry, I stopped taking people's words at face value a long time ago. No offense.
  4. I'd say about 99% of college students do just that.
  5. Yeah because no one innocent has ever gone to jail...
  6. I'll wait to see on that one.
  7. Never talk to any law enforcement without a lawyer first. Even if you're 100% innocent.
  8. Gee, sounds like Trump's phone call impeachment. You reap what you sow...
  9. No need to convict. Impeachment will do. Right. The party of killing babies in the 3rd trimester and right after birth. Of releasing criminals out on the street and defunding the police with resultant spiking in crime. Of letting them have pornography in childrens' libraries. Of cocaine in the White House. Some soul and decency. Coverage. Context matters.
  10. I'm sure that was just coincidental...
  11. Webb will be available shortly as a coach...
  12. What are you talking about? They drew many of the top players to LIV. Most notably Dustin Johnson who is one of the best golfers and whose wife Paulina Gretzky draws a lot of attention. Here is a list: https://golf.com/news/liv-golf-players-who-have-joined-rival-series/ If LIV drew just the bottom feeders, no one would have cared about the league. Instead they threw a bunch of money at the top golfers, some of who decided to join them, along with bottom feeders to round out the roster. Again if the top guys didn't go, there's no league and thus no merger with PGA and ownership by SA. So put the blame where it belongs: the players first and foremost.
  13. I don't either. He'll get paid ~$10M by missing half the season and returning in time to accrue a season to get to UFA. The ~$10M he loses will be more than made up for many times over in his next contract with another team.
  14. If you still aren't convinced, look at XFL and USFL. They have sponsorships and venues to play in. But they are dead leagues walking. Care to guess why?
  15. You think they don't have even as much "evidence" as they did of Trump's phone call? Seriously?
  16. They seem to be doing that a lot...
  17. I don't know what to tell you John. I gave you a link from NBC that says the Dem-controlled HOC investigated it a year ago in June. And nothing came of it. That means far more than what Comer is saying, or more precisely not saying.
  18. Yeah, he changes their defense. I'm curious to see how much the line moves when it's announced he's not playing. And this is likely his last contract. I can see him missing half the season and then becoming an UFA next year.
  19. FIFY. If you still feel differently, go start your own league in any sport and try to line up sponsors and venues and see how far it goes without the players.
  20. At this point he seems committed.
  21. Probably because it was already investigated? And "journalists" should know that?
  22. Did you read the article (it's from NBC News so you should be fine with it)? The Dem-controlled House investigated him in June last year.
  23. Dance monkeys, dance.
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