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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Predicting it isn't the same as rooting for it.
  2. If you're that paranoid...why go to a public place?
  3. Yup. The Cheaters have no chance to win a SB before he's done there.
  4. It will be nice having the sun shining on the Bills' bench...
  5. Considering Trump's impeachment over the phone call, there's more than enough to impeach Biden even without evidence of bribery.
  6. It was a nightmare season last year WRT off-field incidents and on-field player losses/injuries. The off-field stuff won't come close to what happened last year and hopefully they can be healthier this year.
  7. The point was that both sides have their beliefs.
  8. Get a crock pot. Throw whatever you want in there and come back in 8 hours. Or do what I did and get a wife who can cook.
  9. And many Democrats believe Russia helped Trump win the election through collusion.
  10. Sorry, meant “some” of the NAACP leadership.
  11. Or how Florida is so racist that the NAACP is telling people not to visit there. While some of them live there. Morons.
  12. You realize that's exactly what Trump was talking about with his "you can even grab..." comment, right?
  13. Jackson Women's Heath Organization was responsible for RvW being overturned by suing over a 15-week ban.
  14. No, that would be Tara Reade...
  15. And it will be interesting to see if Stroud succeeds, considering he bombed on the S2. Hopefully the leadership can overcome it...
  16. Well there's your proof it was the truth. Stupid libs (redundant, I know) will think it's just a coincidence.
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