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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Thankfully, people (read: non-lefties) are finally seeing the MSM for the liars/Dem apologist they are.
  2. Nice lie about exposing nuclear secrets. As for not praising Xi, stolen valor Tim is a commie who loves China.
  3. I’m sorry you’re a little slow. I didn’t think it needed to be spelled out that he didn’t step down from the presidency (not that anyone can tell since he’s basically been mostly out of sight for weeks) And yes, I understand how the 25th amendment works, and how the threat of it to remove somebody who refuses to leave the race can work, and did in this case. Biden did not step down of his volition. Everyone, but you apparently, knows this.
  4. Thanks for admitting your head is in yours. But if you’re still unconvinced, listen to the last two interviews with Pelosi. She is all but admitting she pushed him out.
  5. He’s getting $14 million guaranteed from the 49ers this year. They are the far better team to maximize his season and then hit free agency next year and be able to choose which team he wants to go to and very likely get a better contract than he will now.
  6. Damn dictation function. And quick reply finger. “ my understanding of the IVF brouhaha is that if…”
  7. I understanding of the IBF brew ha ha is that fertilized eggs were intentionally and maliciously destroyed and they consider that murder. There are workarounds.
  8. They are the power players in the Dem party. Harris probably wasn’t involved other than being told what was going to happen. And do I have proof? No. I have about as much proof as you guys do that Trump will Institute project 2025 when he becomes president. But if you don’t think they threatened him to get him out of the race…
  9. Here it is since there was confusion initially: Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and probably Jefferies and Obama threatened Biden with the 25th amendment if he didn’t step down down from being the Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election.
  10. Wait, I thought that was Phoenix, not Jacksonville… So they had a concert beforehand? And I bet a ton of influencers were paid to be there.
  11. Like I said, I have no idea why he would want to go to any of those teams that were rumored to be in on him. It looks like he’s staying put.
  12. Of course you had to show ID to get into it. It’s far more important than voting… And the mayor knows he needs the illegals to vote for him.
  13. That’s why I clarified that “stepping down” meant not seeking re-election.
  14. Interesting that they would put that guy on. I wonder if he told them he would refute the stories about Walz?
  15. If you don’t think that they didn’t threaten him with the 25th amendment, it’s not me who is stupid. But again, explain what you meant by “he didn’t step down.”
  16. Nothing to do with elections, seeking re-election. But OK, if he didn’t step down like you said, what happened?
  17. Well of sorts, he did. He could have refused and had them to go through the process of 25th amendmenting him.
  18. He did the right thing stepping down instead of getting hit with the 25th amendment? What a choice!
  19. Who are you thinking got out of line here? Considering the things he’s said about other people, asking how loudly Joe Rogan will get booed at UFC is probably the tamest “attack” by him ever.
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