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Everything posted by Doc

  1. He resigned because he was going to be fired. And change a few names in your second sentence and it sounds exactly like the Steele Dossier. Except instead of getting nothing...
  2. Good for him. Had a patient yesterday who had OSA and was non-compliant with CPAP. After surgery her O2 sats would drop to the 50s(!) on room air, but without distress. I figured she was like that all the time but couldn't send her home like that so I sent her to the ED and she got admitted. They did arterial blood gasses and her pCO2 was in the 70s(!, normal is 35-45).
  3. Joke’s brain is going. Why would you want to re-elect someone who will only get worse?
  4. No, it’s a conspiracy theory because it was. Again, the conspiracy theory did far more damage than real Russian collusion ever could.
  5. They won't. That different demographic isn't going to drink it, at least in enough quantity to replace the previous demo. And the previous demo now sees there are other options and that they drank it mostly because of marketing. Yup. Never let anyone know how replaceable you are. And the truth is, nothing/no one is irreplaceable.
  6. I was being facetious, referencing the idiot boy laptop and how certain libs are claiming it's bogus because the chain of custody was broken. And if they move forward with this, they should immediately impeach Joke for having had documents, much less in his garage.
  7. And even if there is one, the chain of custody was broken...
  8. People can gather for whatever they want. It's called freedom. But when they do stupid ***** like assaulting officers and breaking into the Capitol that they and they alone should be the ones to suffer the consequences.
  9. Kamala has a 49% approval rating? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
  10. LOL. That's like saying J6 was Biden's fault because he won the election.
  11. Looks like there'll be a $5M judgment in Mac Isaac's future for defamation...
  12. It's not his body living that we're worried about...
  13. It was ridiculous to give up to 6 tickets.
  14. It's all about the policy of eliminating corruption...
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