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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The girl literally said they didn't want the "fratty" image associated with the beer anymore. And Modelo in the US is owned by Constellation Brands, not AB who sold it to them in 2013. The D's stand for "dumb, dumb, dumb."
  2. Yeah, that's not how it works. AB wanted to change their consumer base. They succeeded.
  3. Haven't had one in over 6 years or so. Why would I go back to it when there are many other better beers out there?
  4. Yup. Nan even admitted this. Yup. It's ridiculous and why I said they should demand the money back from their schools since they're the ones who got it.
  5. If you're going to protest, stick with it. Don't be shamed into being a hypocrite.
  6. Yeah, teachers having sex with their students is no longer news. Unless she's hot.
  7. Weird because on the 2015 gamebook page, they had him starting that first game and having an overall 8-6 record.
  8. The same applies to those who don't find the Babylon Bee funny.
  9. Good. Why should I pay for them? If you want money back, get it back from those who got the money: the colleges.
  10. The only thing funny from the Onion was their sports stuff.
  11. Militarization. Edit: I'm serious SCD. You neuter law enforcement and who is left to keep law and order?
  12. Considering the state of the country and the majority of people saying it's on the wrong track, the answer is "obviously yes."
  13. No need to tell everyone what is plainly obvious. The Dems just have no choice but to feign ignorance or hope they can manage it. I just don't see the long play here because no one wants Kammy as President.
  14. That's how whites view blacks: as helpless. Again the soft bigotry of low expectations. "Contingency." LMAO!
  15. Agree on refusing to throw the football. Disagree on coaching. His body of work says it's him.
  16. Like I said before, the Repubs need to frame 2024 as Kammy's Presidential election. No one, not even Dems, want that.n Hell they don't even want a 2nd term of Joke.
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