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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Similar story to my eldest one. He applied early decision to Cornell and despite being a legacy, got rejected. I was floored.
  2. He's with the pipe bomber, fence cutter and guy with a bullhorn on a scaffolding.
  3. You know even the hard lefties know that it's Hunter's. Who else would have the audacity to bring coke into the WH and risk getting fired and/or jailed?
  4. SPiced hAM. And everyone knows the Monty Python song. How about this one: "The key, is there, to open the can. The can, is there, to hold in the SPAM."
  5. Great job riling people up over reparations. That's going to be a fustercluck no matter how it gets resolved.
  6. Pepe's has been expanding all over the state. My wife had a slice of their pepperoni pizza before a Tears for Fears concert at Mohegun Sun casino the Saturday before last.
  7. Their outrage is funny, considering the conditions they endured getting to those cages. It's also funny they don't seem to GAF about all the people who die, children included, making their way to the border.
  8. Based on what? And yeah he will care when everyone, especially DeSantis, is calling him a ***** for ducking him in the debates.
  9. Yeah, he's a good dude otherwise. The neighbor showed us the stuff he was giving her and saying to her. She eventually moved, which was good.
  10. Jail can wait...until after his Presidency?
  11. First of all, I'm not sure why you'd want him to be the candidate. No one wants demented Joke and cackling Kammy again. You'd be taking a yuge risk he could be President again. As for the 1-D chess you're playing, how does he "self pardon" if he doesn't become President?
  12. Only one person ever has. But he also thought our homely divorced neighbor was hot and wanted to have an affair with her so...
  13. Yeah he does. If he doesn't, they'll say he's afraid. And Chris Chritie? LOL! The dude is a schlub who hasn't been in government in 6 years when the debates roll around.
  14. I still am. You think I'm lying about my heritage? That I relayed that story to out myself? LOL! Are you white?
  15. So you're predicting he'll win the Presidency?
  16. LOL! "Mr. Trump, you've been convicted of X. Your choices are jail or the Presidency." Yup, I'm sure that's how sentencing will go...
  17. Wait? LOL! If they can't jail him now, they're never going to be able to do it.
  18. The debates are where things will shake out. Not to mention the Dems are doing their best remove Trump from the race.
  19. And now the Muslim face of white supremacy. Personally I'm waiting for the brown face of white supremacy. Hold on, that's Nikki Haley, right?
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