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Everything posted by Doc

  1. He was for it before he was against it...just 2 weeks later.
  2. Is your friend...dumb? Yeah. You'd think Putin would attack when his "puppet" was in Office and would (theoretically) put up no resistance.
  3. Refresh my memory on how many people were convicted of corruption after Shokin was fired, again? Surely Shokin was, right? Seeing as how it was Barry's policy and all...
  4. Yeah, Trump supporters obviously get to bypass checkpoints. Good one.
  5. If they didn't detect it at a checkpoint (which is scary in and of itself), they won't be able to determine who brought it in. Again no one is risking losing their job or getting arrested bringing cocaine to the WH.
  6. There is none. Barry's Admin eliminated it when they fired Shokin...
  7. They don't care. As long as a D wins, it doesn't matter how infirm or unqualified they are.
  8. I can't speak to Tesla but Foxconn only got $80M in tax breaks but invested almost $600M more than that and will create 1,454 jobs that will stimulate the economy and provide tax revenue.
  9. Walker can't force Foxconn to spend money. Getting anything was good considering what Wuhan virus did to the world.
  10. Yup. Moving away from fossil fuels is a great idea, you just have to wait for viable alternatives to exist first.
  11. Everyone knows that. Which is why even liberals pretty much know it's Hunter's. They also know the owner conveniently won't be found. And they don't care because it's their guy.
  12. Isn't Foxconn still investing almost $700M in Wisconsin?
  13. Did she actually say that? Well, Joke was going to bring class to the WH...
  14. Yup, and as I said, no one is risking getting fired/jailed over it.
  15. But, hey, they haven't resigned!
  16. She sure knows the word "purview."
  17. I'm still SMH. I never thought I'd read the headline "cocaine found in the White House."
  18. You think idiot boy's actually getting checked?
  19. It's a legit question. I suppose I could have asked "was it worth it?"
  20. My ancestors were essentially enslaved by the British. Where are my reparations? Speaking of which, England brought slavery to America. Go get it from them (as well).
  21. Just another example of them lowering standards. Should work well for America...
  22. I still wonder if the people of Ukraine think the Ukrainian government's alleged and vain "pursuit of democracy" was worth all the death and destruction?
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