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Everything posted by Doc

  1. We'll agree to disagree on who would be worse for the country. I'm not sure how many more manufactured scandals there can be. As for predatory loans, thank Obama's admin. They got the government involved and loans have skyrocketed. Unlike Obama, his age is a significant factor. So is his VP. Most everyone knows that Kammy will be President sooner than later. Which presents the conundrum of dumping her and losing the black vote or keeping her and losing votes all over.
  2. Not so much a joke as unreliable. The odds of him not getting concussed this coming season (much less by midway of next season, which makes them picking up his 5th year option stupid) are minimal and the next one is likely his last as an NFL player.
  3. If that's what's mainly driving some people to vote, we're screwed.
  4. No one wants an 80+ year old President. And if they dump her, they lose the black vote.
  5. When you've lost Fiddy... https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/50-cent-says-los-angeles-193321781.html
  6. Never get high on your own supply.
  7. Wow, that guy is still kicking around?
  8. They don't have the manpower or firepower to start another war.
  9. I missed the Dols picking-up Tua's 5th year option. Dumb.
  10. Who do you think they're going after next? Ukraine's giving them all they can handle.
  11. Probably started out with fame and being funny. Then the money came. And reportedly he has a big member.
  12. Then it becomes part of Russia like it used to be. What do you think will happen?
  13. You live there so you would know. And not surprising from what I've been reading/seeing. Heck the talk of reparations alone would be enough to get me to move. If you think that Trump would destroy DeSantis in a debate...
  14. Occam's razor John. Hunter's pond scum. It was his until proven otherwise.
  15. Everyone wants Joke out. But he/his handlers will hold out until the bitter end.
  16. I'm sure anyone not riddled with TDS can figure out what happened there.
  17. Fame, power, money and being funny go a long way.
  18. Is Twitter censoring tweets in China?
  19. Like Wuhan virus coming from the lab until proven otherwise, the cocaine was Hunter's until proven otherwise. If they don't reveal whose it was...
  20. You'll see them slowly start turning on them, (silently) realizing they were hypocrites all along for supporting a group who hates LGBTQ and women.
  21. They'll have to replace her because no one wants her as President. And when they do, there goes the black vote, especially if they go with Grewsome.
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