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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Yup. That's why I said never let people see just how replaceable you are. Insulting your core customer base that got you to where you are is stupid even for a small business, much less one like ABInbev. As for reimagining movies, they can do what they want. After about the 5 version of the same story, it's lost on me anyway.
  2. There is nothing to forget. It was all make believe. And you and your ilk tore the country apart over it. Congrats and Putin thanks you for doing far more than he ever could have on his own.
  3. Trump strengthened NATO when he demanded the other countries start paying their fair share. NATO itself became strengthened when they came together to stop Putin, who waited until Trump was out office to attack Ukraine again.
  4. Depends on what his motives are. My son has a bet with me that Trump will run as an Independent if he loses the Republican nom, but I say no chance because he knows he'll lose and he hates losing.
  5. Never mind. Chi just realized he exposed the J6 committee as the farce it was. Yelling fire in a crowded auditorium and telling people to break into the Capitol aren't crimes, but apparently telling people to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard is worse than either. You can't make this stuff up.
  6. D'oh! Thanks for admitting the J6 committee was a sham. Yeah, no one here condoned/condones people fighting with police and breaking into the Capitol and have said that people who broke the law that day should have been punished. The questions are the severity of the punishment some received, why some people were never punished or pursued and why wasn't more security allocated for the event?
  7. Her masters must have told her how to vote and she didn't think it through. No other explanation for her quick change of heart.
  8. Ah, so inciting people and then backing down when, to your horror, they take your advice, absolves you of any blame? That's your theory? So then, the whole J6 committee was truly a farce, right? Trump never said to break into the Capitol and wasn't even there when the festivities started.
  9. I'd put him above Hock, Friermuth and Engram. Maybe Waller if he's washed up.
  10. He never had the chance to win the nomination. But he's far from done.
  11. That's far better than what others who did far less than him suffered.
  12. So it was being called a "Fed" that caused him harm, not his words or actions those 2 days? OK.
  13. I don't see 12 jurors viewing footage of him telling dozens of people "we gotta break into the Capitol," whispering in the guy's ear right before he kicks down a barricade, and being on the steps when they start to breach the Capitol and then return a unanimous "guilty" verdict. If I'm Fox I take my chances and look for his attorney to bail once a settlement isn't happening. I was just going to say that if he doesn't have a lawyer working on contingency to a point (meaning settlement or he's out), then follow the money of who's bankrolling the attorney.
  14. Not competing directly with the NFL (either for players or viewers) and instead being in alliance with it actually gives it a fighting chance.
  15. It's more than just paper towels. A freaking Big Mac is $7.29 where I live.
  16. No need to do so when it's obvious they are.
  17. Costco will not restock/no longer carry Bud Light. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ https://www.yahoo.com/finance/m/1a026143-1655-371a-b034-73771681e543/costco-sends-a-quiet-but.html
  18. I'm sure he/she/they didn't. When "everything is racist" is your baseline, you don't need to put much thought into anything. And I went to the gym all throughout Wuhan virus' peak, after my gym reopened. I even berated a guy for not wiping down the equipment after he got off. He got pissed and we exchanged words. Later I saw him wiping down the next piece of equipment he used and I went over and gave him a thumbs up and said I wasn't trying to be a jerk but we all have to do our part. He apologized and said I was right.
  19. No, I'm saying he's probably on contingency thinking Fox will settle. And when they don't, he'll likely walk. Then again, he could be an absolute moron like Dan Gilleon.
  20. Yup. Because condoms, which have always been OTC, are so hard to use... My first cousin married a guy who is against birth control. They have 5 kids and the husband has as little to do with them as he can. Speaking of condoms, you could always have double-bagged it...
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