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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The same applies to everything a person could do, which is why I said abortion is a special circumstance.
  2. Yeah, hearings are a colossal waste of time. Nothing was done as a result of J6 and nothing would be done as a result of any hearing the Repubs would hold about what happened 3 years ago.
  3. I always believed it was "Questioning." Because the prior 4 letters take care of the rest/"q u e e r." And I always thought it was funny that they were proud to call themselves "q u e e r." I figured it was them taking the word back, kind of like black people use the N word but replacing the last 2 letter with an "a."
  4. No they can't ban birth control. Abortion is a different and special matter because it involves ending another human life.
  5. We know it's inconvenient for you to hear it, regardless of whether Repubs want to put on a dog and pony show.
  6. I hope the handful of QAnon supported from 2021 have found their way out...
  7. I guess you missed where Tim said "I want Disney to be great." He's cheering Disney's demise as much as anyone in Rochester cheered Kodak's...
  8. I know. It's as if the litter box is the most ridiculous thing, not the dressing up part. But I guess they'll know which bathroom to use.
  9. What are you talking about? I said from the beginning, when I learned there was a lab in Wuhan, that it came from the lab until proven otherwise. But again that didn't do anything WRT preventing or treating the disease.
  10. Huh? Again no one "cheered" it. If anything it was a "ha ha, I can't believe the leader in photography failed so spectacularly in their own field." No one was happy about it and there was no culture war associated with it. That's the difference. As for Disney, Bob Iger said that Disney's response to the "don't say gay" bill wasn't right. But that they had the right to say something. And it backfired. Hopefully they go back to doing what they did before.
  11. Oh, it's the litter box thing that got you upset. Why is that so absurd to you? Schools are doing everything they can do accommodate kids these days, far more than just putting out litter boxes. It's just a strange hill to want to die on whether you believe me or not.
  12. Well to be fair, the origins of Wuhan virus wouldn't have changed how people dealt with it either. That was more for assigning blame.
  13. No one "cheered" Kodak's demise. I have no idea where you're getting that from. And they made a mistake not embracing technology. There is nothing similar with what Disney is doing.
  14. The only thing that's absurd, beyond kids pretending they're cats, is you thinking you know stuff you clearly have no clue about. I'm just trying to figure out why you went all "OMG, THAT"S NOT HAPPENING! GIVE ME NAMES AND NUMBERS!" It was funny. Like it struck a nerve.
  15. She didn't say she would ban birth control, only that she would listen to both sides of the argument. And she's just one person.
  16. Yeah, and that's why I laughed at anyone who said he overpaid (maybe he did, but it was moot in the grand scheme). Sports franchises only increase in value.
  17. Hoax. No one was "distracted" by Lysol or HCQ. There was no treatment for Wuhan virus at the time so there was nothing to distract from. That's just dumb.
  18. They're stuck. They know they can't run him but they also can't replace him with that idiot Kammy or a white male like Grewsome because Clyburn would have a fit.
  19. Stupid article by a moron who wasn't even alive when the original came out and was a pop hit that garnered Grammy nominations and made TC a pile of cash. Showing who the true racists are. No, they won't be exposing minors dressing like cats. And I still find your (over)reaction curious considering a) dressing up like a cat isn't even in the same realm as transgenderism and b) according to you it's not political.
  20. Too bad Jay wasn't the advisor instead of Teflon Tony. And yet some morons still blame Trump for all the missteps of the "experts."
  21. I'm sure Bud Light's devastating partnership with Mulvaney was also Ron's fault...
  22. I would expect the WH to at least have the level of scanners the TSA have. And they can detect anything on your person. No Joe Schmoe brought that cocaine into the WH, gained access to a restricted area and risked imprisonment and losing hundreds (maybe thousands) of dollars by leaving cocaine just to frame Hunter, who they probably wouldn't have known was there.
  23. Now they're lying about banning birth control? Condoms even? LOL!
  24. It's interesting to see. "Trump is an arrogant, lying #######!" and then "DeSantis doesn't have Trump's personality!"
  25. In Trump's case it would be Diet Coke. They know the real stuff is Hunter's. And as a result they won't bring it up ever again.
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