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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The real issue is having material you shouldn't and what you may have done with it. But since your guy was also caught with it, you move onto something else to make it seem like what your guy did wasn't so bad/what the other did is worse. It's laughable, but that's not unexpected.
  2. He probably cares about both. Hopkins has made $111.6M in his career just from football alone. Two years likely brings him to the end of his career and also likely without a ring, garbage or otherwise. And the Titans will have to face the Jags, who many are touting as a contender. It potentially helps knock them down a bit.
  3. If it wasn’t to the Bills, this is the best destination.
  4. It's less about the having some pedophiles as employees than either intentionally mischaracterizing the law or not doing their due diligence in studying the law before publicly taking a side.
  5. A lot less longer than Joke did. "But he gave them back immediately after discovering he had them. Honest!" Well glad to see BSTime admits that Joke is a criminal as well. He's a lawyer. The profession where truth is secondary to what you can prove/get away with.
  6. Anyone else. No one wants Joke or Kammy again.
  7. It might have worked fine. I'm just saying that I'd be thinking "I'm paying $250K to go on this thing and you couldn't be bothered to make a proprietary controller? What else have you scrimped on?"
  8. Just another day of manufacturing outrage over nothing. Libs should be happy that Chapman is seeing more money than she's seen in probably 30 years. Instead they have to B word and moan over who covered the song. I guess only another black lesbian who grew up in Chapman's circumstances is allowed to cover it.
  9. As soon as they showed me the video game controller, I would have been "I'm out."
  10. Again, everyone, even Dems, know it was Hunter's. This Admin is just making themselves look stupid and incompetent to the World.
  11. Yeah, they aren't cheering for their demise. And Chapek was an absolute disaster.
  12. We were flipping through channels yesterday and also came across it. Watched it for a bit because it freaks my wife out.
  13. Promising free stuff is very enticing. It's hard to beat.
  14. You have to understand that the reason they want to ignore it is because it's tied to the leaky border. Admitting that is admitting Joke's Admin is responsible and they need for him to be seen as this great, competent and classy guy.
  15. I find the libs getting all up in arms over Repub's' support for RFK Jr. funny, considering all the Dem support for Trump-backed candidates in the 2022 mid-terms.
  16. And yet people are still flocking there in droves. Go figure.
  17. Joke has no chance to be re-elected.
  18. I didn't realize the XFL was already partnered with the NFL. The USFL will have to merge with them.
  19. They have to deny it so they can decriminalize it. That's their goal.
  20. Oh, that's the Packers. I thought you (Mike) were saying the Bills. Yeah I seriously doubt they get anywhere near that.
  21. Maybe Tay-Sachs protects them...
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