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Everything posted by Doc

  1. So that would make Ellison a field slave?
  2. This should be good... To counter libs' "Nazi" and "Hitler" and "gonna put y'all back in chains!" Maybe we can even mix a little QAnon in today, too!
  3. Pedos? Yes, have them take them in mass quanitites.
  4. Hoax. Hopefully this isn't distracting you from the first chair...
  5. As an independent, I don't want Joke and Kammy near the WH again. If Don is the nom, I'll pull the lever with my nose held.
  6. Yeah. I doubt she gives a ***** who covered her song. It's been 35 years and no one else has done it, or at least with as great success.
  7. I agree with all of that, and I should have said you can only disagree with them to a point. If they want to get you, they will.
  8. Yeah it's a disagreement. And while admittedly you typically can't disagree with the government, special people get special treatment. Excuses don't work for most, but for others they do...like saying you didn't know you had classified documents in your garage that you visit every weekend, just 6 months after documents you shouldn't have had were found elsewhere.
  9. Diggs was traded without having any input, Hopkins chose where to go. And the Titans appear to have offered him far more money than the Bills or Chefs did.
  10. He obstructed their attempts to retrieve them. Apparently there is a time limit on when they need to be returned (except where noted) and he exceeded it so they raided his home.
  11. There's a time limit, you know. That is, unless you can claim you didn't know you had them (despite being in plain sight in a place you've gone into hundreds of times).
  12. Who cares? I mean I guess Hopkins could use the extra money to buy one... But hey, whatever. It's his decision. Again I'm glad he chose there.
  13. Yes because if it were about possession, Joke would be guilty as well. He's hiding behind the "prove Joke knew he took/had them" legal trick to cover for the years and in some cases decades he had classified material, kept in plain sight in a wholly insecure location he visited hundreds of times no less, with a drug addict for a son having access to them. Meanwhile if that's an acceptable excuse, congress critters could/should instruct someone else to take classified material (how can a Senator be in possession of classified material anyway, when they're kept in SCIFs?). What's the downside?
  14. Yeah, you knew where to file his diatribe once he said that.
  15. While your argument is "the burglar doesn't know how the stolen stuff got in his possession, but now that you've found it, here it is back and he's free and clear." How convenient. Again as I said, a lower level government employee wouldn't have been able to use such as excuse, so obviously there are different rules for different people. I care more about what was done with the classified material, since that's why they don't want people taking it. And that's the intent I care about more.
  16. Dang, forgot about Levis. That's 2-day 2 QBs they've taken in successive drafts.
  17. Is Tannehill definitely the starter this coming season?
  18. Yes we know what the Dem party has devolved into.
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