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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Probably. We know Darnold isn't good. We don't know how good McCarthy is.
  2. Well that pretty much makes his rookie season a bust. And Jefferson's numbers will take a hit.
  3. Yeah, it's amazing that in the 5 years (anniversary just passed 3 days ago) and an Admin hell-bent on getting Trump any way they can, they haven't found a single thing on Trump here. Meanwhile the hundreds to thousands of other men in that black book still haven't been identified. FIFY
  4. My (new) hairdresser is gay. He loves Trump.
  5. So over a billions views and/or references to the interview? Impressive.
  6. If the events of the past month have told us anything...they don't care.
  7. And then to find out that her husband cheated on his ex-wife and had a child from it. Their moral superiority is crumbling…
  8. I don’t know, a guy having sex with the couch is as funny as a guy swallowing enough horse ***** to need to have his stomach pumped. Here’s a tip: if you don’t want to hear about it, then don’t bring up the other one.
  9. Her base is so dumb. They should be asking why this but don’t care.
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