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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Right, he just had documents in his garage he visits every weekend, after they found other documents several months earlier in another location. But "he didn't know he had them" is a lie, er, excuse that works for you.
  2. I did it for several months because my wife started snoring like crazy 2 years ago. I didn't like the other bed so I came back and wear ear plugs in bed.
  3. If he's traded, can he sign a new deal? If not, then no chance to the Bills or Chefs.
  4. Sure. And border agents are whipping illegals.
  5. How about a new name for it? Like "Off-White and the more than 6 but fewer than 8 not-so-tall people"?
  6. It's really sad what has befallen that family. Must be some truth to selling your soul(s) to the devil.
  7. Amazing what proper security can do/prevent, isn't it?
  8. And Palestinians aren't racist? And don't hate women and LGBTQ+?
  9. Maybe Trump should have said "I just want to find 11,780 votes that weren't fradulent."
  10. Something most of us knew but the left kept insisting wasn't happening. Pathetic.
  11. Yeah I guess they can’t cave. So I guess it’s up to Saq to determine how much money he wants to forfeit.
  12. He won't hold out all season. He'll show up to at least the last 6 games to accrue another season. More likely if the sits out and they start losing, they cave.
  13. The Summer of 2020 was infinitely worse. They excuse it like it was nothing.
  14. Good thing Joke brought back class to the "White" House...
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