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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Joke has no chance to win re-election either with or without that anchor Kammy as VP again. There is no wuhan pandemic to lie about anymore.
  2. Joke claimed Shokin was corrupt and that's why he extorted, er, withheld money from Ukraine until he was fired. But he wasn't corrupt, as evidenced by the fact that he wasn't charged, much less convicted, of corruption after being fired. And again, neither was anyone else despite claims Shokin was basically protecting others. So why did Joke lie about him being corrupt, as a pretext for firing him?
  3. Joke has stuck with incompetents in his cabinet for years.
  4. Itโ€™s an even bigger mess now. But that still doesnโ€™t answer the question why nobody was prosecuted for corruption, after Shokin was fired for impeding the prosecuting of corruption. I know you canโ€™t answer because it leads to the obvious conclusion.
  5. So the first step to NATO inclusion was firing a prosecutor for being corrupt but never charging him or anyone else? Amazing.
  6. And again itโ€™s telling that Shokin, who was fired for allegedly being corrupt and not prosecuting corruption, was never charged with corruption. And neither was anyone else for that matter, despite him allegedly protecting people. Merely firing him was enough for people to say โ€œheโ€™s corrupt, but weโ€™re goodโ€?
  7. The talking point that Trump was trying to destroy NATO has been drilled-into their heads. It won't dislodge easily. But you summed it up perfectly.
  8. As you like to say, they'll have to prove he told them to get violent, much less break into the Capitol. They can't so they won't.
  9. Good think Elon isn't running for President...
  10. Putin was afraid of Trump and that's why he didn't invade under him. Again when a "B word" would have gladly stood down.
  11. No one listens to or takes Kammy seriously anyway. But when she gets booted from the ticket...
  12. Joke could kill a man on 5th Avenue and Dems... Again, they need to believe that he's as pure as the driven snow, because Trump was so horrible. It's fascinating to see. But Joke doesn't ever lie.
  13. He was also featured on a HerSHE's (sic) candy bar promotion. They've been pushing this dude for some reason despite only claiming he's a girl for a year.
  14. In other news, Threads users have dropped 70% since debuting. Shocker.
  15. Joe's clearly in mental decline and even Dems know it. They just need for him to stay upright for another year-and-a-half.
  16. You know what's even harder? For naive and/or partisan hacks to point to corruption being prosecuted after Shokin was fired. Considering, you know, he was impeding it. He wasn't even charged with corruption despite being removed for exactly that reason. Yet you guys lap it up because it's your guy.
  17. Be strong? Wow, that's the smoking gun right there...
  18. Nowhere did he tell them to be violent. In fact he said the opposite. So no.
  19. They really know how to manipulate you. Do a search on what really happened.
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