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Everything posted by Doc

  1. More misrepresentations about Florida? Color me shocked!
  2. The amount of food wasted is unconscionable
  3. They're related because Trump saw the video of Biden boasting about withholding money from Ukraine unless they fired a prosecutor he claimed was corrupt and thus not prosecuting corruption. Shokin was never charged, much less convicted of being corrupt, when that's not something you just let go and he was small potatoes, and neither was anyone else, so obviously Biden lied and the corruption continued. Why did he lie? Why was his son on the board of a corrupt Ukrainian company, in a corrupt country for which his father was point man and responsible for sending hundreds of millions of dollars? You don't do something like that without expecting something in return and it always involves money. Those are what Trump wanted to find out before sending good money after bad to what could have been just another corrupt regime blowing smoke about being different. But since it was close to the election, Dems pounced and claimed he was extorting Zelenskyy, despite Zelenskyy denying he felt any pressure. And not believing him means you think he was lying.
  4. It may be a non-issue for you, but it's as huge an issue for non-Dems as the phone call was for Dems. That's about the best I can frame it for you.
  5. Of course they do. Again, it's how they sleep at night, thinking their guy is so pure.
  6. Again, Joke's a moron and he's senile. Fine choices we have here. And America no more won the Revolutionary War because of superior air power than we cured cancer.
  7. Kind of figured they'd put Hines on the reserve/NFI list. I wonder if they'll still pay him, despite not being required to do it?
  8. I'm waiting for someone to pay $1.3M for something, anything Ivanka sells in China...
  9. I love the whistling past the graveyard and gaslighting (more like gasbagging) being attempted. "Come on, I dare you!" They've got more than enough to impeach Joke because it's a political, not judicial process. And just like the J6 committee, make it all one-sided and control the narrative. Again, like with the phone call and J6, they won't convict and remove him, but that's not the purpose, is it? Except Trump's not senile. Sure he says dumb stuff but so does Joke, who is senile. As I said before, I'd rather not have Trump again because of all the stupid ***** Dems will pull. But if he's the nominee, I'll hold my nose and vote for him.
  10. 203,620/20,173 is greater than 10:1. Maybe with new math it's 3:1 (not that a threefold higher incidence of cold versus heat deaths isn't still significant).
  11. The first time I've been able to go and camp was being held that I wasn't able to get in.
  12. What part did you have a problem with? The indictments or impeachment? I have to admit he'll be so old by the time he's out of office that they may not even bother with indictments.
  13. When Joke is out of office, the indictments will come. Right now impeachment is what Joke needs to worry about.
  14. Best wishes. Unfortunately that should be it for his basketball career.
  15. Slow-roll it for next year, closer to the election.
  16. Never mind that the election is over 15 months away. Who knows where Joke will be then? Yup. Just hide in the basement and claim you're going to "shut down [Wuhan] virus."
  17. Around Trump. Around Joke...not so much.
  18. Yup. It's just funny to actually hear them say, with a straight face, that by firing the allegedly corrupt Shokin "they were trying to root-out corruption" and "get them ready to join NATO"...and then never even bothered to charge, much less prosecute, him. Or anyone else for that matter. Real great "policy" to root-out corruption and make them acceptable to NATO. Meanwhile Trump talks to the President of the new regime, not knowing if it's any less corrupt than the old one despite running on an anti-corruption platform (stop me if you've heard this one before...) and he gets impeached. Just because Joke is running for President. They know who it is. Even BSTime does. They just can't admit it.
  19. Glad the Lions sorely over-drafted him and took that decision out of the Bills' hands.
  20. Does it affect the product on the field? Does it affect the stadium? Does it affect the future of the Bills in Buffalo? If not, who cares?
  21. Sure there is. Several polls have Trump or DeSantis beating him. Get him on the debate stage and he's toast.
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