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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Who cares if they almost lost? They didn't. And when you're playing a division opponent, all bets are off since the teams know and are built for each other.
  2. ? I love the car. Only gripe is charging during long trips. But that's an issue for every electric car and one that will need to be solved. I use it to drive 42 miles to and from work everyday and charge overnight with no problem (it takes just 2 hours to recharge that much). As for range, outside temperature can't be used because it depends on what the driver selects as their heating or cooling option (i.e. using it and for how long, what temp, how fast the fan speed, etc.) because that's what uses more battery/range. And I've had service requests cancelled if they were deemed frivolous (software updates in my case). It sounds like bitching just to B word because, again, YMMV and there are chargers everywhere.
  3. Yup. Can’t remove him from the GM job so you’ll have to fire him out right.
  4. What's the alleged conspiracy theory? That there are zero Dem-controlled media outlets? Good one.
  5. He's definitely on the hot seat. Another year of missing the playoffs, despite an additional team being added to them, starts to make him look like he did with the Browns.
  6. You let a news cycle run, lying about something, and say nothing, basically tacitly agreeing with them? No, that's not how it's done. He did the right thing by responding and letting everyone know that black educators came up with the curriculum. And now the news cycle has run its course because Kammy and the like look like idiots. And Scott (and Byron Donalds, who are both Trump guys), would be wise to say nothing.
  7. That's really sad. And there's no excuse of "they're not being given the resources they need."
  8. Forget it Deek. You're arguing with people who believe that "Dur, I didn't know I had classified material, in my garage I've visited hundreds of times no less" is a valid excuse.
  9. You really think ignoring it would have made it go away?
  10. Hoax. You have no problem with Joke keeping classified documents in his garage. Yeah but can you prove they saw the speed limit sign...
  11. I have a Tesla (S100D) and drove from near Hartford CT to Pittsford last weekend. My car is almost 6 years old so my full battery capacity is around 315 miles (doqn from 360 originally). I was able to make the 333 mile drive with 1 stop each time to charge for about an hour (where we ate, went to the bathroom, etc.). The range estimate doesn't and can't take into account weather, terrain, speed of the driver (the faster you go above 65 MPH the lower the range). And like with any ICE car, you need to monitor your range and charge before it gets too low.
  12. That's how they rationalize their guy(s) having material they never should have had in the first place, in some instances for decades, with no idea what they did with it. "They didn't know they had it but they gave it back so it's all good!"
  13. They're more worried about allowing pornography in schools than the dismal test scores. Pathetic.
  14. Yeah was thinking full repair was the likeliest. But by December they'll be out of the running.
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