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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I hope they give Bates a shot with the 1st team at center.
  2. Whitehouse's bill has no chance of ever passing and neither does court packing.
  3. Because they want all this stuff out of the way. The civil trial is still set to being next month and that's a distraction, and now you have the lawsuit (and probably another one against Gilleon soon).
  4. I have no idea why they did "Haunted Mansion" again after the first one with Eddie Murphy was a flop. I hope they're rethinking that "Snow White" remake because that's going to be a flop as well.
  5. There's more there to at least impeach Joke than there was to impeach Trump. There won't be any indictments because he's POTUS and by the time he leaves office it won't be worth it given his declining state.
  6. Social issues are influencing all young people. It's not just one party.
  7. She ruined another person's life based on lies. What reason could justify what she did, seeing as they met that night for the first time? Fair enough, but that has less to do with NYS laws than the team's reaction reflecting the reaction of the general public. And the team got to know him prior to the allegations coming out and still felt uneasy. So the Bills had to let him go because it was already a major distraction and they didn't have time to wait to find out he was innocent all along.
  8. Kraft doesn't care about the all-time win record, if his teams aren't making the playoffs in the meantime. And 36 of those wins came with the Browns, not the Cheaters.
  9. That's what I see, but I doubt Belicheat will give up being able to "shop for some of the groceries." I agree. He's a defensive genius. The sooner he's gone the better. But if he only makes the playoffs once (by assing-in) in 4 years post-Brady it pretty much signals the SB days are long gone. More or less. And I don't think Kraft wanted to see Brady go.
  10. The eyewitness testimonies and videos were devastating to her rape claims. About the only thing that could explain what happened is she was roofied and that's why she doesn't remember anything. But without toxicology there's no way to prove that, much less who gave it to her. But I still don't believe that Araiza was there when the stuff inside the house happened and her claiming she was 18 and/or was attending the local CC, plus looking like she could be 18, gives him cover for the statutory rape charge. Did anyone really believe that she told people she was 17? Or that after having sex with her he stuck around to gang rape her with his buddies? And if it had happened in 40 other states where you're legal at 17, it's not even a blip. So the NYS thing shouldn't factor.
  11. If he could, he would never have to work again...
  12. Showing once again how much they love the country by trying to fundamentally (and radically) transform it...
  13. Right. Just like Joke's was at this point in the 2020 election cycle.
  14. Are you saying that Araiza has a case against the Bills? The Alabama case. She admitted it was a hoax. And in Araiza's case, the DA hadn't made a decision when they brought the civil suit. Which almost never happens.
  15. He's delusional if he thinks they're giving him a huge new deal after just 3 seasons and coming off an injury-plagued one. And sitting out isn't an option because he's under contract and it will cost him a ton.
  16. Anyone who believes "I didn't know classified docs were in my garage I've visited every weekend for the past decade" shouldn't be talking. About anything.
  17. She admitted it was a hoax. Should have claimed she was drunk or someone drugged her.
  18. Yeah. He had a dog of a case and instead of waiting for criminal charges (that even he knew were never coming) filed a civil suit to force a payout/settlement.
  19. The Bills did the right thing. They kept him on for another week but the public outcry was too much and the season was right around the corner.
  20. Who cares if they almost lost? They didn't. And when you're playing a division opponent, all bets are off since the teams know and are built for each other.
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