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Everything posted by Doc

  1. We were talking about the kids keeping the Sabres. Terry won't sell while he's alive.
  2. I guess you could say she assaulted him...but consent was never in doubt. She tried to hide behind her age. But it didn't work. Past history of sex with underage girls? Yeah, I'm sure they were all waiting for the civil trial to come forward. Good one. Meanwhile his lawyer(s) will dig deeper into her past sexual history, show the videos from that night, the video of her the night before claiming she was 18 and had a "body count" in the teens and liked to perform weird sex acts and it will all be over for her. Again she made his defense easy by lying about numerous things and being who she is. She created the sordid mess. It was just a hookup until she lied about being gang raped and his involvement. And no, he will get a chance not because he deserves it, although IMHO he does, but because he's got talent.
  3. If the team gets back to the playoffs they might make money. But I have no idea if they'd want to keep it even then.
  4. I would think they all will be involved somehow.
  5. She's even more of a cautionary tale. Woof.
  6. By waiting to see it. And Beane would be listening to Dorsey to find out what he needs. Hence the reason Dorsey needs to be the one who is original.
  7. How do we know Dorsey isn't going to be original when we haven't seen the product on the field yet this season?
  8. Doc

    MLB Battle

    He's not being played at MLB. Unfortunately.
  9. OK, fair enough and I retract what I said about you. I heard the wet market theory first and thought it was plausible and believed it. However after I found out that there was a BSL4 lab in Wuhan and that China was being secretive about it, I knew that is came from there. I've been waiting for the better part of 4 years for them to find the animal host and prove me wrong, but they haven't. At some point you need to give up the ghost and go with the most rational explanation, which is accidental lab leak. I'd need proof to believe it was intentional.
  10. He's done this several times over the past 4 years.
  11. They'll be lucky to win 9 games with the division and that schedule.
  12. The context addressing the OL, right?
  13. It's not even that: it's common sense. If an outbreak happens in a city with a lab that had been studying the pathogen that broke out, it came from the lab until proven otherwise. And your "medical knowledge" is nothing of the sort. It's merely gainsaying whatever Trump said. Which is what is truly pathetic. That's how you buy and continue to believe that an outbreak came from an unknown host which hasn't been identified in almost 4 years.
  14. I'm starting to be convinced you're not very smart. I guess that makes us even. Medical ignorance? LOL! Tell me, what is the host of Wuhan virus? It's been 4 years now and still nothing. Meanwhile there's a building in the same city...
  15. Uglier. Especially if they try and force Richardson into the lineup.
  16. Sure they are. A wasted 1st round pick is terrible.
  17. More liberal hypocrisy! I'm shocked I tell you. Shocked!
  18. I guess Illinois can't get PO's anymore. Shocker. But yeah, illegals will do it...
  19. Why would the Dems offense cis-women, LGB, Muslims and Hispanics, just to appease 1% (if even) of the population?
  20. I've been here 22 years. That works out to 7 posts a day and my weekends are always off and I get 6 weeks of vacation, not to mention no major holidays and the occasional day off here or there. Did he not ever supervise CRNAs? Have to wait for the last patient of the day to be discharged? Have time in between cases? Sure. I worked in a hospital for 2-1/2 years out of residency. I got the surgery center job and never looked back. One of the best decisions I ever made.
  21. The Bills couldn't wait for the investigation and civil trial to be over. Hell it's not going to be over until mid-October a year later. But again luckily they found a good punter to replace him quickly. A lot of other teams still have bad punters. Yeah just like I laughed at the Dols, who I actually detest. Take the loss here. True because there's not much to tell. You know he's got nothing with the gang rape when he changed his tune to "even if he didn't participate in the gang rape, he was still responsible." WTF? But what, pray tell, is he going to be asking about? When Araiza was on the side of the house peeing and she came up to him demanding sex, they did it, she went back to her friends all giddy and then he left the party? What smoking gun do you think the amazing Dan Gilleon is going to extract?
  22. Yeah but all those players suck. Sure they addressed the OL but they blew the picks.
  23. There are a lot of bad ones, which is why teams cycle through a lot of them. You're making my point here. As for challenging his statements, he'll merely stick to his story when faced with her alternate version, pointing out that she's lied many times. She couldn't have made it any easier for him. It was anything but feels. The story looked and smelled like bull#### from the beginning...and proved to be so. That's why I "carried his water" and would have if he had been drafted by the Jets. It also struck home because my sons were both in college at the time and I could have seen something similar happening to them. But don't take my word for it now, take a look at what I wrote a month ago here: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/248005-tyreke-under-investigation/?do=findComment&comment=8438178 Of course if he were a high draft pick at a premium position he doesn't get canned. No one has ever disputed that straw man. But that doesn't mean that because he was a lower-round punter his career is over because of some bogus allegations that were ultimately disproven.
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