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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Yeah it's made by Genny. It was ~$6 for a 6-pack when I last bought it.
  2. Yeah, getting a HOF QB to replace your QB-of-choice who flamed-out was luck.
  3. WIth Rodgers I don't give them a chance to beat the Jets at Jersey. The Cowboys, maybe but it's on the road.
  4. And unfortunately there are a lot of them...
  5. Try different (and better) beers. Here's one: JW Dundee's Honey Brown Ale. Made in Rochester.
  6. Mitch Morse had been the Chiefs’ starting center since his rookie season. He didn't start only due to injury.
  7. DeSantis would destroy him over what he's done to California and how, despite Prager U being added to the list of vendors (so what?), they're moving there from California.
  8. No it was specific to Araiza's case. No charges much less a conviction. Settling was off the table almost a year ago. He went all-in with Araiza being guilty and can't admit that he was wrong (again).
  9. He did. That's why he settled. And then got suspended for it.
  10. Watson settled with his scores of accusers. It's probably why Araiza says he will never settle with her. And despite the national publicity over this case and the chance for other women to come forward, to date there is only one accuser, whose story has been shredded to bits. His choice...to have sex with a girl? If that makes owners uncomfortable... Again as I said, he's preparing for the civil trial because, as you said, Gilleon is going to grill him. That's a distraction that no team wants to take on right now.
  11. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." And have you met him? I drove by his winery in Niagara-on-the-lake a few weeks ago, but he wasn't there. You mean like Slick talking to Loretta Lynch on the airplane or Hilly deleting only emails regarding Chels' impending nuptials? Yeah, OK.
  12. He can talk but he's an idiot. DeSantis would wipe the walls with him.
  13. For me it's 95/5. China has every reason to lie about the lab leak and find the animal vector. So far they haven't while they've obstructed investigation into the lab. That should tell you everything you need to know. You're not an MD. If you actually believe what your masters told you that you can't get infected or transmit it after getting vaccinated, you're a NPC. My wife and I both got the 2 initial shots and a booster and within a month she got Wuhan virus and then passed it onto me.
  14. He's only saying he's running again so he's not a lame-duck President. The only question is how far does he take it and does that give Grewsom enough time to establish himself? And how do they explain bypassing Kammy for him, while likely installing another token black female as VP?
  15. Yeah, good luck with that. But you know they'll pair a token black female with Grewsom, but who? Michelle? Abrams?
  16. Her testimony is worthless because she's lied repeatedly and stated herself that she couldn't remember much of the gang rape. There were about a dozen videos taken of her trysts with 5 more guys inside the house, but as the ADA who reviewed them said, there was no evidence a) she was incapacitated, b) in distress/being raped and c) Araiza was present. So alcohol and who supplied it is immaterial. She's now over 18 and an adult and can tell the truth at any time and end this charade. So while she may have been a victim in the beginning, that's no longer an excuse. Yeah, bad behavior that leads to an arrest and/or charges. There weren't even charges so that means the behavior wasn't bad. Mere allegations which get proven false are meaningless and only make those who jumped to conclusions early look silly and unable to say much except "I got it wrong." And I already said there's a slim chance something bad comes out. Wake me when it happens. If it happens, as she and her lawyer would be idiots to continue with the trial, hoping against hope that by some miracle a smoking gun magically appears, while in the meantime showing the world her case was a complete lie and her actions that night via video and witness testimony.
  17. At any time she could have admitted she made him believe she was 18 and that he had nothing to do with what happened inside the house. It's she who is going to be dragged through the mud if this goes to trial.
  18. It was a joke, hence the ellipsis. Again there was no assault in that encounter and also no evidence of assault later. And you are the one missing the point. The NFL knows a good percentage of their players aren't choir boys. All they care about is that guys can play and they don't miss games due to legal issues. Araiza wasn't charged with anything because there was nothing to charge him with and the world, despite jumping all over him initially, now sees it. So there's no issue and there will be no more public outcry. But keep hoping there's something. Assuming this charade continues.
  19. The encounter with Araiza would have just been another hookup for each of them, but she lied about his involvement in the alleged gang rape. She was the architect of her own ruin and she took someone else down with her for no reason.
  20. He's not setting the record in 2024.
  21. You'd think a family member would know everything already.
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